Building IPR capacity through various programs of assistance to Filipino inventors for their inventions. eligibility for assistance is based on merits of inventions women avail of assistance under same terms as those of their male counterpart INTRODUCTION
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) provides central direction, leadership and coordination of all science and technology activities in the country formulates S&T policies and programs in support of national development priorities exercises supervision over the Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI) BACKGROUND
Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI) promotes commercialization of technologies implements RA No. 7459, Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act BACKGROUND
RA NO. 7459, Inventors and Invention Incentives Act ….. the Government shall provide a program to set up a climate conducive to invention and innovation, give encouragement and support to inventors who are creative and resourceful, as well as imbued with a deep sense of nationalism, and maximize the capability and productivity of inventors through incentives and other forms of assistance and support. ASSISTANCE ON INVENTIONS
Around 23 patent and utility model registrations obtained in behalf of 42 women provides assistance in patenting and utility model registration to encourage creative and inventive activities and investments in R&D Intellectual Property Rights Assistance Program Assistance Programs
providing financial support for the fabrication of models for testing, demonstration and promotion Prototype Development Assistance Programs
provides financial assistance for laboratory testing analyses endorses inventors/technologists/researchers request for access to laboratory facilities of RDIs, other government offices, TAPI accredited test laboratories Testing Assistance Assistance Programs
Objective: establish economic and technical viability of selected inventions and utility models, thus, enhancing inventions/utility models commerciability provides financial/technical assistance for limited production of an invention or a utility model product for test marketing purposes Pilot Plant Assistance Assistance Programs
Publication of promotional materials for patented and patent-pending inventions covering mainly printing costs of pre-determined number of publication/ promotion materials (brochures, leaflets, flyers, posters and labeled packages) Promotion and Publication Assistance Programs
Features exhibition of commercialized inventions product demo/ launching seminars/ workshops/ fora National Invention Contest (focal activity) National Inventors Week Celebration Assistance Programs
Invention Contest Categories: 1.Invention (Tuklas Award) 2.Utility Model 3.Industrial Design 4.Creative Research 5.Sibol Award (Student Creative Research) Winners in the invention contest are granted cash awards / medals/ certificates Assistance Programs
from 2001 to 2006, four (4) winners are women, one of them won several times through these years WIPO provides Gold Medals, cash and certificates for first prize winners in Inventions (Tuklas Award) and Student Creative Research (Sibol Award) – high school and college levels Invention Contest Assistance Programs
promotion/ marketing of Filipino invention products in tie-up with other government agencies, private sector and business associations covering mainly basic cost of participation and/or promo collaterals Exhibit/ Fair Assistance Programs
TAPI-DOST facilitates evaluation and processing of requests for tax/duty exemption of patented inventions: exemption from payment of license fees, permit fees and other business taxes exemption from all kinds of taxes during the first ten (10) years from date of first sale exemption from custom duties, import charges for raw materials, equipment needed in manufacture of technologies/ inventions. Tax/Duty Exemption Assistance RA 7459, Inventors and Invention Incentives Act of the Philippines Assistance Programs
to guarantee the loan assistance of government banks for Filipino inventions maximum guarantee coverage of P200,000 Invention Guarantee Fund Assistance Programs RA No. 7459, Inventors and Invention Incentives Act of the Philippines
Travel Assistance support for participation in international invention contests/ exhibitions limited to winners in the National Invention Contest Assistance Programs
Training provides training to enhance capabilities of inventors in commercializing/ marketing their inventions covers enhancement of entrepreneurial and technical skills Assistance Programs
Inventschool Conduct of invent school program (ISP) in private and public schools in cooperation with the inventors groups, LGUs and NGOs to stimulate students interest for creativity and inventiveness Assistance Programs
SUPPORT TO INVENTORS ORGANIZATION 18 inventors organizations - of these, 5 are women inventors organizations - some members of women inventors organizations are also members of other organizations funding support for organization inventor/invention related activities
2008 Women Organizations Projects Supported by TAPI-DOST 1. Women Inventors Association of the Philippines, Inc. (WIAPI) Publication and dissemination of the Directory of the Creative Women Researchers and Patent Holders from the database will be updated to include abstracts of inventions and researches
Enhancing Creative and Innovative Body and Mind Activities for a healthy, Productive and Meaningful Life through Reach Out and Read and Body Wellness Program - a series of seminars focus on the importance of a sound mind Invent School Program Activities in Baseco, Tondo and Payatas Areas - to train selected out-of-school-youths in these depressed areas to become invent-trepreneurs 2008 Women Organizations Projects Supported by TAPI-DOST
Women Organization Projects Supported by TAPI-DOST 2. Women in Science and Technology Development Foundation, Inc. (WISTDF) Mentoring Youth Through Inventiveness and Entrepreneurship System (MY TIES) - for public awareness of the contribution and impact of Filipino inventions to health and wealth of the country and the world - to encourage the youth to invent and innovate to help ensure their welfare and that of the nation.