Measuring Equality: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion Theodore Joloza – ONS Equalities and Wellbeing Branch.


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Presentation transcript:

Measuring Equality: Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion Theodore Joloza – ONS Equalities and Wellbeing Branch

Overview 1.Introduction 2.Councils and Equality Data 3.Equality Act ONS Role 4.Key issues to consider

1. The Office for National Statistics Mission ‘to improve understanding of life in the United Kingdom and enable informed decisions through trusted, relevant, and independent statistics and analysis’ Executive office of the UK Statistics Authority UK Government's single largest statistical producer Functions: –office of the National Statistician –UK's National Statistics Institute –‘Head Office’ of the Government Statistical Service (GSS) Equalities and Wellbeing Branch responsible for taking the lead on equality and wellbeing issues in ONS

1. The role of ONS in Equality Data ONS led the EDR in 2007 which made 22 recommendations to improve equality data Led harmonisation of equality questions on government surveys Recommended the formation of the Equality Measurement Group – councils represented by LGA Leading with ODI to develop harmonised suite of questions on Disability Life Opportunities Survey – 37,500 households across Great Britain results in the Autumn Led the development and implementation of sexual identity question Provide guidance in the collection and dissemination of equality data. Support development of monitoring guidance.

Overview 1.Introduction 2.Councils and Equality Data 3.Equality Act ONS Role 4.Key issues to consider

2. Importance of Equality Data for LAs 1.Develop understanding of communities –Improve evidence base (needs, situations, goals) –Informed policies tend to be more effective –Help identify inequalities and causes of inequality 2. Meet legal requirements –Help develop appropriate policies –Monitor outcomes from all of the above Equals efficient service provision?

2. Broadly three modes to consider Censuses SurveysEquality monitoring Bench- marking More frequent Potential for more detail

2. Integrated Household Survey The biggest survey in the UK The survey comprises a core suite of questions from six ONS social surveys Experimental data available for April 09 – March 10 Largest social survey dataset that ONS has ever produced. Opportunity for local area estimates

Overview 1.Introduction 2.Councils and Equality Data 3.Equality Act ONS Role 4.Key issues to consider

3. Equality Act 2010: Data Requirements The Equalities Act 2010 places a Public Sector Duty which covers several equality strands. Disability, race and gender are already protected characteristics with their own duties. From April onwards, the Single Equality Duty will be extended to cover age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, and pregnancy and maternity. This brings with it more demand for data to inform organisational policies.

3. EILR harmonisation project ONS-led project to revise EILR standards across UK: Updated harmonised survey questions on ethnicity, national identity and religion Questions approved in September 2010 –Currently no harmonised standard for language –All countries, GB, UK –Inputs - face-to-face, self-completion, internet and telephone –Outputs Revising guidance in early 2011

3. Stakeholders Central Government and agencies (including GEO and EHRC) ONS Devolved administrations Local and regional government Academics and researchers Community Groups

3. Questions – Ethnic group What is your ethnic group? Choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background [in England] White English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British Irish Gypsy or Irish Traveller Any Other White background, please describe Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Any other Mixed / multiple ethnic background, please describe Asian / Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Any other Asian background, please describe Black / African / Caribbean / Black British African Caribbean Any other Black / African / Caribbean background, please describe Other ethnic group Arab Any other ethnic group, please describe

3. Ethnic group: extended categories This is important especially at the LA level LAs may need to collect more detailed about Ethnicity, for example ‘Somali’ Always ensure that such categories are placed under the correct heading Could be disclosive!

3. Questions - Religion What is your religion? No religion Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations) Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh Any other religion, please describe

3. Questions – Sexual Identity ASK ALL AGED 16 OR OVER Which of the options on this card best describes how you think of yourself? 227. Heterosexual/Straight 211. Gay/ Lesbian 244. Bisexual 229. Other (Spontaneous DK/Refusal)

3. Other Equality Strands Social Class No specific question to measure class Solution: Use Social Economic Classification (Managerial, Intermediate, routine jobs etc) Best Sources:Labour Force Survey Annual Population Survey Integrated Household Survey Transgender/Gender reassignment Household surveys – unsuitable Pregnancy and Maternity - BIS

Overview 1.Introduction 2.Councils and Equality Data 3.Equality Act ONS Role 4.Key issues to consider

4. Key issues Comparability: Census and other NS Expanded categories: Policy relevant Does data exist elsewhere Is the data adequate to support specific equality duties under the Equalities Act 2010

4. Key issues..(Continued) Resource burden - exhaust existing data sources to answer equality questions Accessibility to existing data Disclosure Issues – groups of focus in the equality agenda may be small Wider 2010 Spending Review implications

Thank you For additional information please contact us: