Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reservedStrangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved PREJUDICE Prejudice A system of negative beliefs, feelings, and action-orientations regarding a certain group or groups of people What common prejudiced themes can you think of?
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PREJUDICE Levels of Prejudice 1.Cognitive level of prejudice Based on beliefs and perceptions Italians as heavy drinkers Blacks as agile and rhythmic 2.Emotional level of prejudice Based on intense feelings Jews in the banking system Muslim-Arabs as threats to western values 3.Action-orientation level of prejudice Based on a predisposition to engage in discriminatory behavior Would you consider moving to a particular “ethnic” neighborhood? Would you consider sending your kids to a predominantly black school?
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PREJUDICE Scapegoating Blaming others for something that is not their fault Five conditions usually exist for a group to become suitable, 1.Highly visible 2.Not strong enough to strike back 3.Situated within access to the dominant group 4.Past target of hostility 5.The symbol of an unpopular concept Can you think of past and current examples of scapegoating in U.S. history?
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved THE SOCIOLOGY OF PREJUDICE Prejudice is a complex phenomenon and is most likely the product of more than one causal agent Sociologists tend to stress social forces and processes such as: Socialization Economic competition Social norms
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved STEREOTYPING Stereotype An oversimplified generalization by which we attribute certain traits or characteristics to a group without regard to individual differences
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Ethnic Humor A common minority practice is to use ethnic humor as a strategy for defining one’s ethnicity positively How does the mass media affect our perceptions about other ethnic groups?
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved THE INFLUENCE OF THE MASS MEDIA The Influence of Television Perpetuation of stereotypes Influencing of attitudes The Influence of Advertising and Music Exploitation of women, violence against homosexuals Use of racial/ethnic stereotypes
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved CAN PREJUDICE BE REDUCED? Two basic approaches to reducing prejudice Promoting interaction between dominant and minority groups in all aspects of living, by either voluntary or compulsory means Integrated education Integrated workplaces Dispensing information that destroys stereotypes and exposes rationalizations Neither approach has been successful in all instances
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved DISCRIMINATION Discrimination The practice of differential and unequal treatment of others usually along racial, religious, or ethnic lines
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved SOCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL DISCRIMINATION Social Discrimination The creation of “social distance” between groups Institutional Discrimination The unequal treatment of subordinate groups inherent in the ongoing operations of society’s institutions Examples: sentencing inequalities, segregated housing, gerrymandered school districts
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CONTROVERSY The origin of government affirmative action policy began with Executive Order 8802 in 1941 Since 1989, a more conservative Supreme Court has shown a growing reluctance to use “race- conscious remedies”