TASK PACKAGING Module 1 UNIT IV ADDITIONAL TOPICS " Copyright 2002, Information Spectrum, Inc. All Rights Reserved."
Module Preview: Introduction Definition and Concept Definition and Concept IntroductionIntroduction Review and Summary TASK PACKAGING Package Types Package Types Task Grouping Task Grouping
Module Objective: This module is designed to provide information on various issues concerning the packaging of PM tasks 1.Introduce the concept of maintenance task packaging 2.Describe some of the different options for packaging maintenance tasks 3. Identify some of the issues that can impact packaging decisions IntroductionIntroduction TASK PACKAGING
MaintenanceRequirementsMaintenanceRequirements 1. Identify Team and responsibilities 4. Identify and document Review Process 2. Identify analysis items 5. Orientation/Training 3. Prioritize Items 6. Ground Rules and Assumptions PLANNING AND PREPARATION ANALYSIS Analysis Approac h/ RCM Plan Analysis MaintenanceProgramMaintenanceProgram DataData 1.Equipment Kick-off Meeting 2.Initial Data Gathering 3.Hardware Partition 4.Function 5.Functional Failure 6.Failure Mode 7.Failure Effects 8.Failure Consequences 9.Task Evaluation 10.Task Selection 1.Package Maintenance Task 2.Implement Other Actions Results IMPLEMENT RESULTS 1.Emergent Issues 2.Age Exploration 3.Hardware Changes 4.Trend/degrader analysis 5.Document Reviews SUSTAIN
PackagingPackaging Definition and Concept The result of an RCM analysis is a set of recommendations for a series of discrete maintenance tasks. TASK PACKAGING is the process of combining those discrete tasks into an efficient, effective, and executable maintenance program. Concurrent tasks combined into a set of “work packages” Concurrent tasks combined into a set of “work packages” The objective is to minimize down-time and optimize use of resources The objective is to minimize down-time and optimize use of resources TASK PACKAGING
Package Types A typical maintenance program is made up of Work Packages based on common recurring units of measure: Calendar time Calendar time Operating units Operating units operating hours operating hours cycles cycles production units production units “For convenience” “For convenience” A Combination of the above A Combination of the above UnitsUnits TASK PACKAGING
Package Types Examples of Calendar Packages: Daily Daily Weekly Weekly 10, 14, 28, 30 days 10, 14, 28, 30 days Monthly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Semi-annually Semi-annually Yearly Yearly Etc. Etc. Examples:Examples: TASK PACKAGING
Package Types Examples of Operating Unit Packages: Pre-start Pre-start 10, 50, 100, 1000 Operating Hours 10, 50, 100, 1000 Operating Hours 1000, 3000, Miles 1000, 3000, Miles 100 Landings 100 Landings 1,000 Rounds Fired 1,000 Rounds Fired 10 Starts 10 Starts 10,000 units produced 10,000 units produced Etc. Etc. Examples:Examples: TASK PACKAGING
Package Types “For convenience” Packages are performed in conjunction with some other event for convenience. Sometimes called “conditional” or “opportunity” maintenance Sometimes called “conditional” or “opportunity” maintenance Examples of events that may be used for opportunity maintenance: Scheduled or unscheduled shut downs Scheduled or unscheduled shut downs Specific maintenance events such as: inspecting components that require an engine removal for access during an engine removed for other reasons Specific maintenance events such as: inspecting components that require an engine removal for access during an engine removed for other reasons Refueling or replenishing operations Refueling or replenishing operations For Convenience: TASK PACKAGING
Package Types Cautions: Ensure maintenance is not performed just because there is an opportunity Ensure maintenance is not performed just because there is an opportunity RCM intervals should not be exceeded if the “for convenience” opportunity is not provided RCM intervals should not be exceeded if the “for convenience” opportunity is not provided Mandatory for safety failure modes Mandatory for safety failure modes May require combination with a “not to exceed” requirement May require combination with a “not to exceed” requirement For Convenience: TASK PACKAGING
Package Types Phased Maintenance: A set of recurring packages that allows work to be spread out over several packages. Allows a more even distribution: Workload Workload Resources Resources Down-time Down-time Phased Maintenance: TASK PACKAGING
Package Types Phased Maintenance Example: Tasks 1,2,3 are performed every 100 hours Tasks 4,5 every 200 hours Tasks 6,7,8,9 every 400 hours Traditional packages would look like this: 100 hours: Tasks 1,2,3 200 hours: 1,2,3,4,5 300 hours: 1,2,3 400 hours: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (at 500 hours the 100 hour tasks start over) Phased Packages might look like this: 100 hours: 1,2,3,4,6 200 hours: 1,2,3,5,7 300 hours: 1,2,3,4,8 400 hours: 1,2,3,5,9 (at 500 hours the 100 hour tasks start over again) Example:Example: TASK PACKAGING
Grouping Factors Task Grouping TASK PACKAGING The prior discussion centered on grouping tasks as a result of task frequency. There are many other factors that may influence the decision to group tasks: Equipment location Equipment location Equipment Complexity Equipment Complexity Trades/Skills required Trades/Skills required Availability of tools or parts required Availability of tools or parts required Down-time Down-time Elapsed Maintenance Time - Time required to complete the tasks Elapsed Maintenance Time - Time required to complete the tasks
Grouping Factors TASK PACKAGING There are some additional points to consider when grouping tasks: Task compatibility Task compatibility Sequencing Sequencing Units conversion Units conversion Task Grouping
Task Compatibility TASK PACKAGING Make sure that the tasks being packaged are compatible, for example: One task requires equipment running while another requires it to be disassembled… One task requires equipment running while another requires it to be disassembled… Task Grouping
Task Sequencing TASK PACKAGING Make sure that the tasks are sequenced in a way that is efficient and that does not impact the integrity of the tasks: Perform the calibration AFTER after the inspection which requires disassembly… Perform the calibration AFTER after the inspection which requires disassembly… Task Grouping
Units Conversion TASK PACKAGING In building a package it may be necessary to convert units of some tasks into the units of other tasks to organize them effectively In building a package it may be necessary to convert units of some tasks into the units of other tasks to organize them effectively Be cautious when converting a task from one metric to another since the conversion is an average and doesn’t consider variation Be cautious when converting a task from one metric to another since the conversion is an average and doesn’t consider variation Task Grouping
Example of conversion conversion TASK PACKAGING For example, results of an RCM Analysis indicates that is necessary to inspect a bushing in an attachment fitting for wear every 500 operating hours If average equipment use were 50 hours per month, simple arithmetic may suggest that inspecting for wear every 10 months is acceptable However ……. Task Grouping
Example of conversion conversion TASK PACKAGING Consider the two distribution of equipment operating hours, Both show a average utilization of 50 operating hours An inspection every 10 months means that many systems will exceed 500 operating hours An inspection every 10 months may be adequate Narrow Distribution Wide Distribution Task Grouping
Review and Summary This module is designed to provide information on various issues concerning the packaging of PM tasks TASK PACKAGING Grouping considerations Grouping considerations Learning Objectives Learning Objectives Combining discrete tasks Combining discrete tasks Package Types Calendar, Operating units, Convenience, Phase Calendar, Operating units, Convenience, Phase Task Grouping Definition and Concept Module Objective IntroductionIntroduction
End of Module up next…….. Sustaining the Analysis End of Module up next…….. Sustaining the Analysis