Maths subject leader Network Meeting 3 rd March 2015
Agenda narrowing the gap for disadvantaged pupils assessment updates – the concept of mastery Better Maths conference follow up (improvement through formative marking) GLOW maths hub input from Steve Lomax questions raised from EYFS LA data analysis about securing a good level of mathematical development in the early learning goals.
Closing the Gap for FSM at KS 2 FSM/non-FSM Comparisons FSM/non-FSM Gap at L Reading Worcestershire Stat Neighbours1415 National Writing Worcestershire2022 Stat Neighbours21 National Maths Worcestershire Stat Neighbours17 National1413
Ofsted handbook – disadvantaged pupils Refers to disadvantaged pupils rather than pupil premium pupils How alternative provision is matched to need Teaching assistants – their subject knowledge of what they are teaching/ supporting with and their knowledge of the pupils they are working with transition
EYFS Good level of development (GLD) national figures 60% of children are attaining a GLD (expected and exceeding which means 12/17 goals achieved) Worcs figures 58% For Worcs, those that missed a GLD, 7% missed a GLD by one goal. Of these 7%, the goal most missed was Literacy 42% then maths 14%
From September 2016 the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile will no longer be compulsory. The Early Years Foundation Stage itself will continue to be statutory, supporting children to experience a broad and engaging programme of learning in reception
Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) schemes are government- accredited, commercially available products that meet published criteria “Schools can use one of these assessments from September We understand that schools will be concerned about how they will perform when we measure progress in a new way” STA Therefore, schools that use an approved baseline assessment in September 2015 will have their progress measured in 2022 (when these children reach the end of key stage 2) based on either the reception baseline or key stage 1 results, whichever shows the most progress. For schools which do not choose to use the reception baseline in 2015, progress will only be measured from key stage 1 to key stage 2.
The reception baseline will be the only measure used to assess progress for children who start reception in September 2016 and beyond. Key stage 1 assessments will remain statutory but will not be used for the progress floor standard of all-through primary schools. The progress of pupils starting reception in September 2016 in all-through primary schools will be measured in 2023 when these pupils reach the end of key stage 2. Schools that choose not to use an approved baseline assessment from 2016 will be judged on an attainment floor standard alone.
What should schools consider? Schools wishing to use the Baseline assessment in the EYFS should be encouraged to work together in academy trusts/pyramids/districts/school type e.g. SEN to ideally choose the same tool so that they can moderate together and compare themselves to each other. Schools should consider carefully whether or not they choose to get involved in the Baseline in September 2015 or September This is dependent upon how they wish progress to be measured. Schools should consider what is best for their children in their unique context. EYFS practitioners should continue to use the statutory EYFS Framework and “Development Matters” bands for assessment purposes.
Assessment updates New NC started September 2014 First judgement against the NC14 will be June 2016 Purpose of assessment Provides a baseline of KSU Defines a skills set at that time Used to identify next steps plus any intervention needed
Sample 2016 test materials Questions and mark schemes – example test papers will be available June 2015 Performance descriptors are end of key stage descriptors Should not be used / applied to assess Y1, Y3, Y4, Y5 – or now in Y2 and Y6 Not to be used and applied to learning until 2016
Mastery Not the expectations of the next stage ie not content from the year group Mastery within that stage expectation Mastery of skills, application and use – hence the broader, deeper learning rather than accelerated You meet the standard and then you master it eg driving test
Ofsted Better Maths conference Look at your marking comments – does it tell you about learning and next steps? Does the child respond? Does the teaching respond to next steps?
Maths hubs Steve Lomax improved attitudes to learning closing the gaps between groups
Next time…… 16 th June 2015 am first and primaries 16 th June 2015 pm first and primaries 17 th June 2015 am middle schools All held at Finstall