Qi Problem Report A Tool to help us HELP YOU
What it looks like
Mandatory Fields For the Save button to activate, the Name, Company, and address fields must be filled out.
Select the Q.i Type Most P&G facilities will select Qi 0.4 or 0.5.
Firmware Selection
Critcial Error Selection All error messages that show up on the front display on a “Controlled Shutdown” are in the drop down box. This list is updated based on the Q.i Type selection.
Non-Critical Errors All other error messages that show up on the front display are in the drop down box. This list is also updated based on the Q.i Type selection.
When does the problem occur?
The NOTES section The Notes section lets you enter your description of the problem, as well as note anything not covered by the various selection boxes on the form.
Hardware Issues
File Attachments If you have access to MAPI functions (OutLook), then you can automatically send the report, as well as attach any other files of importance, such as the DMT files, Q.i 365 Error Reports, or HypterTerminal files.
Hardware Configuration Please include this information with the report!
When you click the “Save” button Select a place to save the Text file that is generated. This file can be sent directly to Mettler Toledo via .
Getting the Report to Mettler-Toledo Note that a message box appears with the address that the report can be sent to. This is the end of the program UNLESS MAPI access is installed on the computer. If access to MAPI controls(OutLook) is present, then the Message Box on the right is displayed.
Virus Warnings (Thank the Hackers for the following annoyances!) You will probably receive up to 4 of the above warnings (1 for each address the report is sent to).
The report is on its way!
How do I get the Qi Problem Report Tool? See me for a CD. OR me for an FTP OR Visit the Q.i Official FTP site... - do you really want to know? ftp://ftp.usa.mt.com/pub/indmkg/Qi%20FTP%20 Support%20Site