On the Order of Clearance of Commercial Samples and Procedure of Provisional Import with the Use of ATA Carnets by Deputy head of the General Department of Customs Clearance an Customs Control of the FCS of Russia Mr. Alexandr Morozenkov
Law of the Eurasian Economic Union Customs Code of the Customs Union International contracts of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union Decisions of the Commission of the Customs Union/Eurasian Economic Commission Решения 1
Application of customs procedures in respect of commercial samples Own samples of the goods in an amount up to 2 instances of each type, brand, model, article, style, colouring, etc. Full conditional exemption from customs duties Return export after demonstration No return export Release for domestic consumption, payment of customs charges 2 Re-export, the customs payments are not made Goods for display at exhibitions, fairs Destroyed or damaged Destruction without payment of customs duties
Customs Declaration of Commercial Samples 3 A written statement by the recipient institution of the scientific or commercial samples (Paragraph 5 of the Article 279 of the Federal law, the Order of the FCS of Russia from No. 2408) Transport (shipping), commercial and (or) other documents providing the list (Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated No. 263)
Customs Declaration of Commerce Samples 4 Declaration on goods (Decree of the Customs Union Commission № 257, 20 May 2010) Carnet A.T.A. (Decree of the FCS of Russia № 2675, 28 December 2012)
Accession to the Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for provisional import of goods and to the Convention on the Temporary Importation 5 The Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for provisional import of goods, dated 6 December, 1961 and the Convention on the Temporary Importation dated 26 June, 1990 A – provisional import documents (carnets A.T.A.); В1 – goods for display or use at exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar events; В2 – professional equipment; В3 – containers, pallets, packing, samples and other goods imported in connection with a commercial operation; В5 – goods imported for educational, scientific or cultural purposes; В6 (under reservations) – annex concerning travelers’ personal effects and goods imported for sports purposes. Carnet A.T.A. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia Guaranteeing association Russia’s Foreign Trade Bank International Chamber of Commerce
Location of Customs authorities which are competent to provide customs operations with carnet A.T.A. Crimea 6
On the Order of Clearance of Commercial Samples and Procedure of Provisional Import with the Use of ATA Carnets by Deputy head of the General Department of Customs Clearance an Customs Control of the FCS of Russia Mr. Alexandr Morozenkov