Kirsty Wells, Scotland Manager, HouseMark Angela Currie, Director, SHBVN.


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Presentation transcript:

Kirsty Wells, Scotland Manager, HouseMark Angela Currie, Director, SHBVN

 Influences behind STAR in Scotland  Key survey questions  Building a questionnaire  Survey methods  Timing  Census, sampling and checking for bias  Benchmarking

STAR Social Housing Charter Satisfaction data for ARC Satisfaction benchmarks across the UK

 Developed in Scotland with SHBVN  Established framework for satisfaction measures  Over 200 landlord comparators  Historic timeline of data – 2011 and before  Inclusive development process involving: ◦ Landlords, tenant groups, market research companies, other survey experts  Free to access guidance & support from HouseMark and SHBVN

 ‘Conducting a comprehensive satisfaction survey – a guide’ from SHR / Ipsos MORI  Very similar approach to STAR on most aspects of the survey  Some close-to-identical key questions  Consistency with the Scottish Household Survey

Aspect of survey frameworkChecklist Flexible questionnaire  Response options  except overall sat question Permitted survey methods  Frequency / timing  adapted slightly to match Margin of error  adapted slightly to match Representative samples / weighting  Wording of core questions  and 

STAR in Scotland code Charter Reference Question CorS1CI1(B)Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by [your landlord / landlord name]? CorS2CI10Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of your home? CorS4CI29Taking into account the accommodation and the services [your landlord / landlord name] provides, do you think the rent for this property represents good or poor value for money?

 Some Charter questions had significantly different wording from the same themed question in STAR  Decided sufficiently distinct for each version to be included in a survey  So for each themed pair of questions you can: ◦ Comply with the Social Housing Charter indicator ◦ Benefit from an additional STAR question enabling direct comparisons with the rest of the UK

ThemeOriginQuestion Neighbourhood STAR Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your neighbourhood as a place to live? Charter Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with [your landlord / landlord name]’s management of the neighbourhood you live in? Involvement STAR How satisfied are you that [your landlord / landlord name] listens to your views and acts upon them? Charter How satisfied are you with opportunities given to you to participate in [your landlord / landlord name]’s decision making process? Repairs STAR Generally, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way [your landlord / landlord name] deals with repairs and maintenance? Charter Thinking about the LAST time you had repairs carried out, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the repairs service provided by [your landlord / landlord name]? Keeping you informed STAR How good or poor do you feel [your landlord / landlord name] is at keeping you informed about things that might affect you as a resident? Charter How good or poor do you feel [your landlord / landlord name] is at keeping you informed about their services and decisions?

Charter ref QuestionService user CI9(B) Thinking about when you moved in, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the standard of your home? New tenants CI33 Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the factoring services provided by [your landlord / landlord name]? Owners of factored properties CI28 How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the overall quality of the temporary or emergency accommodation you were provided? Users of local authority temporary or emergency accommodation CI37 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with [your landlord / landlord name]'s management of your site? Users of gypsy / traveller sites

 Use the exact question wording contained in STAR Questions for Scotland  Use the specified response options – as important as the question wording

 Have you decided when you will conduct your large scale survey?  If so, what methodology do you plan to use?

Starting point is the core and charter satisfaction questions Always ask the overall satisfaction question first Add to the core/charter questions with: From optional questions from STAR Questions for Scotland Your own questions Add demographic questions as necessary Group questions by theme

 As long as it’s statistically robust and representative, STAR in Scotland can be done by: ◦ Post ◦ Telephone ◦ Face-to-face  On-line not acceptable for SHR: “extremely unlikely” to be representative

 Neither HouseMark, SHBVN nor SHR want satisfaction data which is too far out of date  Survey data should not be more than three years old  That is a maximum – you may conduct surveys more frequently if you wish  Take account of: ◦ Data validity for comparisons ◦ Utility value for business decisions ◦ Cost

 Census – sent out to all tenants  If under 2,500 units, you should conduct a census and do not need to select a sample  For larger landlords, see section 3.3 of SHR / Ipsos MORI guidance on sample selection  Whether census or sample, always check make-up of respondents for evidence of bias e.g. proportionally more older tenants responding than in your tenant population?  Weighting can correct problems of bias – see section 4.4 of SHR / Ipsos MORI guidance  ARC return asks for unweighted and weighted results

 Will you conduct the survey in-house or externally commission the work?  Who in your organisation will be responsible for leading the project?

 Current E-form relates to STAR  A STAR in Scotland E-form will be introduced this year  Comparisons of STAR results will be available via: ◦ PI Tracking ◦ STAR benchmarking ◦ Core and dashboard – alongside HouseMark cost and performance measures

 Annual benchmarking  Results available on query tool  Results available to use within report builder  Results used to inform VFM ranking  Sharing Good Practice

 Unlikely all survey/feedback needs will be met by STAR in Scotland  Audit and review your whole framework for feedback and surveys  Avoid duplication and survey fatigue  Helpful to have a good base of tenant profile information ◦ provides a variety of baselines for checking for bias ◦ avoids having to repeatedly ask demographic questions in surveys

 A Guide to STAR in Scotland  STAR Questions for Scotland  List of survey suppliers  STAR in Scotland logos  Links to relevant SHR documents Coming soon  Frequently Asked Questions  Register for notification of updates