WIPO FORUM ON IP and SMEs for IP Offices of OECD Countries and South Mediterranean Countries May 26, 2005 Francesca Toso
Distance Learning in WIPO
Objective: To provide IP education to growing audiences worldwide
For whom?
Professions: Lawyers/IP Agents Scientists/Researchers Engineers Entrepreneurs Professors Students IT Health Media
How many?
Administration Delivery Support Content Quality Distance Learning MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TEAM Structure
Content General DL-101 Introductory DL-001Advanced DL-200 Specialized DL-300
Delivery online platform / CD-ROM 7 languages
Support Tutoring worldwide network national dimension
Curricula integration (examples) DL-101/200 as part of national teaching curricula general advanced DL translated into local languages
Privileged links IP Offices University Research Centers Engineering Schools
What next? DL-101 DL-200 DL-300 No tutors Emphasis on tutors
What next? Targeted promotion Outsourcing of administrative procedures Fees
Outsourced administration Delivery Re-focused tutorial support New content development Quality Distance Learning Targeted Promotion Evolving structure
International Symposium on Intellectual Property (IP) Education and Research June 30 to July 1, 2005
Thank you