Business Support – Developing an IP search tool WIPO 8th Annual Forum on IP and SMEs for IP-offices and other relevant institutions in the OECD Countries Otto Scharff, Director, Norwegian Industrial Property Office
Purpose and goals Demo of Online IP-search tool Lessons learned Perspectives and outlook
3 Purpose and goals Raise IP-awareness among SMEs in Norway. Launch an online search-tool which is updated daily, accurate and integrated with other sources of innovation support. Present Trademark, Patents and Design in the same search tool. Efficiency and resource planning.
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Monitoring the traffic Old ServiceNew Service
6/8 Success factors and lessons learned Project leader and IT development resources in- house. Reference group and focus meetings with external users. Functional design and user interface. Minimum IP-competence needed to use the tool. Promoted together with other means of innovation support – company reg. and domains. Media coverage- incl social media and blog-forums. Measuring the traffic continuously
7/8 Perspectives and outlook We plan to launch the next version in Q1/Q with documents and correspondence. Develop a version available for Iphone and android. Make the solution available for other platforms as mobile and tablet computers. Efficiency – use of internal resources on other types of work
Thank you for your attention! Norwegian Industrial Property Office