SSIS V12.4 Release Training Individual Family Community Support Plan (IFCSP) Presentation for VPC December 2012 Part #2 Document Tab – Copy & Print Plan
1.When the Setup tab of a New State Service Plan is complete, the Document tab is accessible. The Document tab contains a Navigation bar that functions just like the SSIS Tree View. December 20122
2.The screen currently selected is reflected by the blue arrow on the Navigation bar. 3.The screen may contain merged information, Editor boxes to enter text, or both. 4.A red checkmark in the Navigation bar indicates that this screen will print on the service plan. If information is missing in the Document tab screens, ensure it was selected on the Setup tab. If it is not available on the Setup tab, it must first be entered from the appropriate Tree View folder. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember 20123
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1.The IFCSP has a field in the upper right corner of the Title Page that reflects whether Original or Updated was selected on the Setup tab. Original is reflected if this is a new IFCSP, or if the IFCSP has been copied to a sibling for the first time. Updated is reflected if the IFCSP has been copied for review regarding the same identified child. 2.Review the Title Page fields. Ensure that the Worker Phone displays correctly for the primary caseworker. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember 20125
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1.Participant names selected on the Setup tab merge both Clients and Collaterals into the Title Page screen, although the section is titled Parent/Legal Guardian Information. 2.Expand the (+) next to any participant name to view contact information. Use the arrow keys to view an Address or a Phone number. All of this information prints on the IFCSP if the Complete check box is selected at the bottom of the Title Page screen. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember 20127
1.Click the blue E to open the Editor in its own window. This provides the most Editor tools. 2.When the fields are complete, click the Complete check box at the bottom of the screen to print this screen. 3.Navigate forward or back by one screen by clicking either of the double arrow keys at the bottom right of each screen. 8
1.When the Complete box is selected, a red checkmark displays next to that node in the Navigation bar. This indicates that this screen prints on the service plan. 2.The blue arrow indicates the screen currently displaying. 3.If you leave the Setup tab without saving it, SSIS prompts you to Save. More Hints: SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember 20129
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1.Each Axis I and Axis II Diagnoses selected on the Setup tab merges into the Current Diagnosis screen. 2.Three Editor boxes are provided to enter details regarding Axis III, Axis IV, and Axis V diagnostic information. 3.Enter the Diagnosing Mental Health Professional and the Date of Diagnosis in the corresponding fields. Click Complete. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.Enter the child’s Medications and the associated Dosage and Target Symptoms on the Medication screen. 2.Enter the related Prescribing Doctor, Address, Phone, and Date of Last Med Check in the corresponding text fields. Click Complete. Ideally, this information matches the most recent entries made in the Health/Insurance folder’s New Other Health text boxes. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
4.Notes regarding the Medications in the grid may be entered in the corresponding Editor box. Ideally, these entries also match the most recent entries made in the Health/Insurance folder’s New Other Health text boxes, and the Prescribing Doctor has also been added within the child’s Health/Insurance folder as a New or Existing Health Care Provider. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.CMH Functional Assessments (e.g., CAFAS), display on the Functional Assessments screen. Expand the (+) next to any assessment to view further details. 2.Each Functional Assessment selected on the Setup tab displays. Click the Complete check box to print the Functional Assessment(s) on the service plan. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.Answer the questions on the Mental Health screen by entering text directly into each of the five Editor boxes, or click on the blue E and enter the text in its own Editor window. Click Complete. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.All Insurance providers selected on the Setup tab merge into the Physical/Chemical Health and Insurance screen. 2.Answer the four questions in the corres- ponding Editor boxes. Click Complete. 18
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1.On the Educational, Vocational, Recreational Functioning screen select Yes or No to indicate if the child has an IEP. 2.If a school was selected on the Setup tab, the name of that school displays in the School Name field. Text in the School Name field can be modified. (Ideally, this change would also be made on the Setup tab AND the Education folder in the Tree View.) 3.Answer the remaining questions by entering text in the corresponding Editor boxes. Note that Complete is automatically selected. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.No text entry is required on the Responsibilities screen. It contains information reflecting the responsibilities for specific participants within the IFCSP. The Complete check box is automatically selected to print this information. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
As applicable, enter text into the Editor boxes on the Dual Case Management screen to provide detail if dual supervision is provided to the child. Click Complete. 22
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1.The Treatment Team Members screen provides a grid to enter individual service provider information. Complete the fields for each Treatment Team Member including the Provider Name, Agency, Phone, Address, Start Date, and End Date; describe the Service. Click Complete. 2.Ideally, the Treatment Team Members entered in this grid match those contained in the child’s Health/Insurance folder as a Health Care Provider. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.On the Signature Setup screen, enter the first and last names of the required signers in the text fields. Examples are included on the associated screen shot; the actual name of these individuals is entered in the Signatories fields. Adding a role to signatories is optional. Entries must be made in the text space provided. SSIS V12.4 Release Training25
1.When the IFCSP is saved, it displays in Draft format in the Tree View with the associated date. (To move the Closed Service Plans folder to the bottom, collapse all the Tree View folders and click the Refresh button.) Disregard the Linked State Service Plans node in the Tree View. (It is no longer part of V12.4.) SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
2.Double-click on the title of the IFCSP to expand it. Only a complete plan can be printed from the Document node in the Tree View. Alternatively, a blank plan is available by right-clicking on the desired plan in the Tree View just above this Document node. 3.The Properties node requires no data entry. It displays information regarding dates associated with the plan as well as its template status. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.The Properties tab requires no data entry. (Disregard the Linked State Service Plans tab.) SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
2.The Service Status field on the Properties tab does NOT indicate the status of the service plan in terms of Draft or Active. 3.Rather, if the Service Status field states Active, it means that the template for this plan is active and, therefore, this plan may be copied in its entirety. If this field states Inactive, it means that this template is inactive and can no longer be copied in its entirety (such as to review the plan). SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.To change the status of the service plan from Draft to Active, return to the Setup tab. 2. Locate the Status field and change the status as desired. Save the screen. Ideally, service plans are made Active once required signatures are obtained and by the 30 th day of the date they are created. 30
1.To copy a service plan, right-click on the desired plan in the Tree View to access the Action menu. 2.Select Copy Service Plan. A service plan may be copied regardless of its status: Draft, Active, Inactive, or Discarded. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
3.A Select Document Template box displays. 4.If this was an OHPP, the plan could be copied from one type of OHPP (Safety) to another type (CMH) as applicable. For non-placement service plans (such as the IFCSP), no other selection is available, but the box displays. 5.Click OK to copy the plan. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
6.Select OK to access the copied plan. Non-placement service plans cannot be copied between workgroups. Plans such as the IFCSP may only be copied within their existing workgroups … either to a sibling or for review. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
No changes can be made to an Active service plan, but an Active service plan may be copied which returns it to Draft status – thereby allowing further edits. If edits are made to a previously- signed service plan, the same signatures must be obtained again. Non-placement service plans cannot be copied between workgroups. Plans such as the IFCSP may only be copied within their existing workgroups … either to a sibling or for review. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
Service plans copied to a sibling are edited on the Setup tab to change child specific information. Once the name of the child is changed in the Participants field, the applicable child-specific information merges in the applicable fields. Service plans copied to review the plan also require edits to the Setup tab, in particular the Review Date, Effective from date, and Effective to date are changed accordingly. Reviewing plans in this manner creates a history of progress regarding service plan goals. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.Review the Navigation bar before printing the plan to ensure that each screen you wish to print displays with a red checkmark next to that node. 2. Red checkmarks result from selecting the Complete box at the bottom of each screen. Before Printing: SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
Complete service plans can be printed from two different locations. This location requires only two steps to view Print Preview: 1.Right-click on the Document tab. 2.Select Print from the Action menu. Printing a Complete Plan: Option #1 SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
The second location requires three steps to view Print Preview: 1.Expand the desired service plan in the Tree View. 2.Right-click on the Document node. 3.Select Print from the Action menu. Printing a Complete Plan: Option #2 SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.Print Preview displays in its own window. 2.Click the Print icon to print the service plan. 3.Note the options to change the view. 4.Blue arrow buttons advance the screens. 5.If your agency permits, plans may be ed. 6.Click the (X) to close out of print Preview. SSIS V12.4 Release TrainingDecember
1.From the Document tab, beneath the Signature Page node, 2.A check box displays for Alternate Print Format. 3. Selecting Alternate Print Format means that the document will print without breaks between the sections. The plan will be shorter in length, but may separate fields or text between pages that are intended to be viewed together. View both formats in the Preview prior to printing. 40
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