1) The need for _________________ helped the __________________ and pulled the U.S. out of the ____________________ 2) _____________ airplanes were produced each year After Pearl Harbor, _________________ airplanes would be produced. SUPPLIES ECONOMY GREAT DEPRESSION 6,000 50,000
Work was divided into three _____________ shifts. By 1944, _______________ airplanes were produced. Other things produced: ______________ ships, ___________________ bullets _____________________ army trucks 8-HOUR 90,000 70, BILLION 2 ½ MILLION
3)American _________________ produced more materials than all the ____________ factories put together! Some Americans worked for the ____________________. Some Americans _________________________ for the troops. Some _____________________ blood. Others had _______________________. People also purchased _____________________ to help pay for the war. WORKERS AXIS RED CROSS KNITTED SWEATERS AND SOCKS DONATED VICTORY GARDENS WAR BONDS
4) A _____________ agency was set up to get fuel to the ____________________. _____________ were encouraged to cut back on using fuel. A ___________________________ controlled food prices and workers’ pay. The government began a program of __________________________. FUEL ARMED FORCES CIVILIANS WAGE AND PRICE AGENCY RATIONING
People received ___________________ for food (meat, sugar, butter and coffee) ___________ was also rationed because it was needed for war machinery. ___________ was rationed in order to make uniforms. COUPONS FUEL CLOTH
5) _________ played a major role in the war. Many worked in ____________________. They also gained a sense of ____________. The famous “_______________________” poster was created -homemaker turned into factory worker WOMEN FACTORIES FREEDOM ROSIE THE RIVETER
New __________________________: They served in the ______________________ (non combat) They worked in ____________________ offices They flew ___________________________. They became _________________ and were there to help soldiers. But, with all this, women were paid _______________________ than men. RESPONSIBILITIES ARMED FORCES MILITARY SUPPLY PLANES NURSES 40 PERCENT LESS
6) More than _______ million African Americans moved during this time. They moved in order to work in ______________. They were ___________________________ in defense plants. About ____________________ served in the armed forces. They faced ____________________________. They worked as ____________________________________. 27 FACTORIES TREATED FAIRLY ONE MILLION DISCRIMINATION COOKS, WAITERS, AND WORKERS
1941 – the __________________ was formed. The “_______________________________” They protected ___________________ flying over Europe. They shot down ________ planes and destroyed another ________. No bomber protected by them was ________________________! 332 nd FIGHTER GROUP TUSKEGEE AIRMEN BOMBERS EVER SHOT DOWN
7) __________________ volunteered more than any other minority group. Many were _______________ Americans and _________________________. They faced __________________________ just like the African Americans. Almost 1 in 4 of the prisoners on the “________________________________” was a Mexican American LATINOS MEXICAN PUERTO RICANS DISCRIMINATION BATAAN DEATH MARCH
Latinos helped by working on _____________ and _________________. Many worked in the ___________________ on the West Coast. They fought two battles: one of _______________ and one against the ________________. FARMSRAILROADS SHIPYARDS RACISM AXIS POWERS
8) Many ____________________ Americans were sent to _________________camps because many thought they would help Japan in the war. More than ________________ were moved into these camps. Many actually fought in ________________ units in the war. JAPANESE INTERNMENT 100,000 SEGREGATED
They were _____________ for the loss of their property after the war. But they only received __________ of what they actually lost. PAID 10%