System issues System decomposition / Product tree System specification: function, performance, interfaces, budget Work-breakdown structure
SXC system overview2 Block diagram
SXC system overview4 SXC system Detector Ground segment Spectrum-X Calorimeter UNIT Telescope UNIT
SXC system overview5 SXC product tree (1) 1SXC instrument 1.1SXC detector 1.1.1detector subsystem hardware IDC cryostat FEA ADR ST ST/JT AAC CDE PSU radiator calorimeter array in-flight calibration source CAP CDP flight harness detector subsystem software IDC-software CDP-software cmd/hk database 1.1.3Ground support equipment
SXC system overview6 SXC product tree (2) 1SXC instrument 1SXC instrument 1.2SXC telescope 1.2SXC telescope 1.2.1telescope subsystem hardware 1.2.1telescope subsystem hardware Tube Tube Mirror module Mirror module cover cover TAC TAC heaters heaters thermistors thermistors flight harness flight harness telescope subsystem software telescope subsystem software cmd/hk database cmd/hk database 1.2.3Ground support equipment 1.2.3Ground support equipment
SXC system overview7 System issues System decomposition / Product tree System decomposition / Product tree System specification: function, performance, Interfaces, budget System specification: function, performance, Interfaces, budget Work-breakdown structure Work-breakdown structure
SXC system overview8 SXC and SC systems Spectrum-X Calorimeter SPACECRAFT IF specificatie Budgets Function specificatie Performance
SXC system overview9 SXC and SC subsystems SPACECRAFT Detector Telescope Ground segment
SXC system overview10 Controlled documents Controlled: agreed between two or more parties. Subsystem requirements specification Subsystem to subsystem interface specification Electrical Electrical Mechanical Mechanical Alignment Alignment Software Software Resources (mass, power) Resources (mass, power) etc etc Technical planning D&V-plan D&V-plan EMC-plan EMC-plan AIV-plan AIV-plan etc etc
SXC system overview11 Technical plans follow product tree SYSTEM SUB UNIT SPACECRAFT SYSTEM EMC plan SUBSYSTEM EMC plan SUBSYSTEM EMC plan SUBSYSTEM EMC plan SPACECRAFT requirements
SXC system overview12 System issues System decomposition / Product tree System decomposition / Product tree System specification: function, performance, Interfaces, budget System specification: function, performance, Interfaces, budget Work-breakdown structure, project organization Work-breakdown structure, project organization
SXC system overview13 SXC: work breakdown structure
SXC system overview14 Position of SET in SXC-project Detector Ground segment Spectrum-X Calorimeter TelescopeSpacecraft SET: PA/QA Electrical Mechanical Thermal Software AIV
SXC system overview15 System engineering The subsystem teams are responsible for their own System Engineering, PA issues, configuration control etc. The subsystem teams are responsible for their own System Engineering, PA issues, configuration control etc. The SXC-system engineering team will support subsystem reviews at best-effort base. The SXC-system engineering team will support subsystem reviews at best-effort base. The SXC-system engineering will control interfaces and budgets external to the subsystems. The SXC-system engineering will control interfaces and budgets external to the subsystems.