Innovation Support from the European Patent Academy Jeremy PhilpottWIPO, Geneva,15 September 2009 Seventh WIPO –OECD Forum on Intellectual Property and.


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Presentation transcript:

Innovation Support from the European Patent Academy Jeremy PhilpottWIPO, Geneva,15 September 2009 Seventh WIPO –OECD Forum on Intellectual Property and SMEs for IP Offices and Other Relevant Institutions in OECD Countries

Promoting & supporting patent-related IP training conferences, seminars and workshops expert speakers e-learning publications partnerships ip4inno

ip4inno - basics European Commission project, from 1 January 2007 to 31 December million Objective was to train business advisors & TTOs in IP topics, who in turn would train other advisors and SMEs Seven work packages Twelve 3-hour modules Nineteen consortium partners (institutions)

ip4inno - consortium partners European Business and Innovation Centres Network CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg FUNDITEC, Spain IWT - Flanders Fraunhofer TEG IEEPI, Strasbourg METU - Technopolis, Turkey Fundación EOI, Spain Universidad Politécnica de Madrid University of Alicante European Patent Office Hungarian Patent Office Portuguese Patent & TM Office National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Spanish Patent Office INPI, France State IP Office of Croatia Turkish Patent Office Danish Patent Office

ip4inno - modules 1APatent basics 1BOther industrial property, e.g. reg. trade marks & reg. designs 2ACopyright & related rights 2B"Soft" IP - trade secrets, know-how, confidential information etc. 3APatent information for supporting business decisions tutorial 4AIP commercialisation (licensing; valuing; strategy) 4BBusiness planning around IP 5AIP enforcement (litigation & ADR; piracy & counterfeiting) 5BIP problem-solving exercises 6AIP issues by sector: Creative Industries; Software & CII; Biotechnology 6BPromoting IP to SMEs (running workshops; PR campaigns)

ip4inno - results The harvest produced over 150 materials (mostly ppt files, but also brochures, case studies etc) Forty training events promised, but sixty delivered from October 2007 to October 2008 (WP5) Over 800 trainees In WP6 (three pilot areas) over 500 people trained by some of those taught in WP5 Modules 2A, 2B, 4A, 4B and 5A in highest demand EC in discussion with EPO to keep the project alive up to 2011 at least

Thank you for your attention Jeremy PhilpottEuropean Patent Academy Patent Office