CIS Q Scientific Visualization systems and techniques Instructor: Han-Wei Shen Credit: 3 Prerequisite: CIS694G/CIS681 or instructor permission Class: MWF 8:30 – 9:18 pm DL 266 Office hours: MW: 1:30-2:30pm Web:
What is this class about?
Textbook No textbook for this class – papers will be handed out in class Information sources: IEEE Visualization publications ACM SIGGRAPH publications Eurographics publications Online technical reports (nVIDIA, ATI, …)
Class Objectives Programmable hardware features Fundamental visualization algorithms Software and “hardware” implementation Process of scientific visualization State-of-the-art in visualization research Have fun!
Grading - 3 Labs: 40% - Class presentation: 10 % - Take home final / Term paper: 20% - Final Project: 40% All done in groups !!
Working Groups Find your group in the beginning of quarter (before 10/2) 3 people/group – mix of senior and junior students You will do all the work together Same grade for the group members
About the Labs Three group labs Simple pixel/texture shader programs (week 2) Hardware based volume rendering on PCs (week 4) Particle tracing for flow visualization (Week 7) Equipment: your own PCs or use the PCs in DL 680 with GeForce 4 cards
About the final project Project proposal and work plan (week 6): 5% Research/Implementation diary: 5% Final results: 30% - Implement a published algorithm - Develop a new algorithm - Solve a open problem What to do: Grading:
Class Presentation Each group will present one or multiple papers on specific subjects Emphasis on material preparations (slides, demos, etc) and your presentation skills 10% of your final grade
Class at a Glance Week1Overview of general graphics pipeline Week2Programmable hardware features (lab1) Week3Volume rendering Week4Volume rendering (lab2) Week5Unstructured grid / isosurface
Week6Isosurface (final project proposal) Week7Vector field visualization Week8Vector field visualization Week9Advanced Topics Week10Project presentations Class at a Glance
Any Questions?