Referencing Photographers’ Work Following are some links to sites giving lists of photographers covering many different genre and the history of great photographers. Use this list as a starting point for your initial forays into investigating and appraising other photographers’ work…
should-know/ -A good listing of current photographers with some details about their work, their motivations and links to their respective websites. hic-inspiration/100-most-influential-photographers-of-all- time - A good ‘more historical’ listing which includes many different genre and all the superstars of the history of photography. l - A great site with various lists organised in different ways. This includes lists defined by genre.
In your work make sure that you record CLEARLY WITH EVERY IMAGE – photographers’ names. always aim to include some information outlining the context of the work and/or the stated motivations of the photographers if you can find these. your comments on the images and why you have included them (your reasons will generally be positive but also consider including examples that you find unsatisfactory – with your reasons)
Of course – If you find more good sources for information about photographers please share with the rest of us... Thanks
Excellent Site for Our Course Site created by a teacher with links for glossaries, photographers, an exemplar set of work and MUCH MUCH MORE!