If you receive this … It’s because you’re a special person
One rose for frienship
A second one for love
One for financial wealth
One for happiness
One for success
One for knowledge
One for beauty
One for family
One for honesty
And the last one for a long and healthy life!
The original message says that….
Wishing you a very happy n properous new year
Salutation to the new dawn Look to this day! For it is life,the very life of life In its brief course lie all the verities and realites of ur existence,the bliss of growth,the glory of action,the splendour of achievemnt, for yesterday is but a dream n tomorrow is only a vison but today well lived makes a yesterday a dream of vision and every tomorrow a vision of hope
This new year... If u want to give -give smile If u want to see -see yourself If u want to speak -speak truth If u want to make -make goodness If u want to live-live with simplicity If u want to cultivate-cultivate sympathy If u want to respect- respect law If u want to admire- admire beauty If u want to control-control urself If u want to offer- offer love
Circle of Life... Where there's life,there's suffering. Where there's suffering,there are always lessons. Where there are lessons,there's always growth. Where there's growth,there's always hope. Where there's hope,there's always strength. Where there's strength,there's always love. Where there's love,there are always miracles. Where there are miracles,there's always God. Where there's God there's always life anew. Never lose hope!Many wonderful things await in the circle of life that far outweigh the times of sorrow. And all sorrow arrives with many unexpected blessings
This new year may life unfold its precious treasures just for you...
May the new year bring you success, happiness and peace in equal measure…… and may u come closer to your dreams in the months ahead...
Its time for us again to celebrate a new year of our life...
With lots of love n luck Tulika