SBEC Master Technology Teacher Competency 5 Marie L. Evans EDTC 6342 Janice Butler
MTT demonstrates knowledge to : use task appropriate tools create & modify solutions evaluate results in problem solving
MTT knows how to: use & integrate appropriate technology-based productivity tools word processing spreadsheet database Internet draw paint utility programs video, etc.
Word Processing composing/writing reports, abstracts outlines checks grammar, spelling
Spreadsheets calculations including functions –payments –counts –min/max –standard deviation, etc. charts & graphs
Database vs. Spreadsheet ease in data entry main point – will the data be relational –several tables needed large amounts of data complex queries
Video computer Internet connection video camera is not required! digital video/start with digital images –digital camera –scanner –Internet
Video Camera (If you must) Lighting –Shot list, story board for planning –Key Light – front of subject, off to the left, bright –Fill light – weaker & across from fill light (right) –Edge (back) light
MTT knows how to facilitate use appropriate digital editing tools design principles for classroom –consistency –repetition –alignment –proximity –text/white space –image file size, color, font, etc.
Digital Editing Tools Adobe PhotoShop Digital camera editing software Final Cut Pro Capabilities resize images sharpen crop
Design Principles Consistency –simple, clean background –same, easy to read font –similar navigation buttons –similar titles, logos –smooth transition from page to page
Image Compression –why? download time Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) –saved in 256 colors only –dithering, less contrast –not recommended for scanned images or digital photos
Joint Photographers Expert Group (JPEG/JPG) Lossy compression –retrieved image may not be exactly the same –use 80% to balance image quality and file saving –use original image each time
Bitmap (bmp) raster – rectangular grid of pixels –photographs –cannot be scaled w/o loss of quality –edit in Adobe or Paint vector – geometric grid in curves or polygon –typesetting or graphic design –easily scale to quality of device –Corel Draw
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) bitmapped image lossless compression designed to improve & replace GIF better for storage than JPG
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) mainly for storing images stores in a lossless format
MTT knows how to use: research skills, electronic resources and communication to synthesize information.
Research Skills define task organize research options review research information outline & organize information write, present, decision making
Electronic Resources Internet –search engines listservs electronic journals electronic databases
Communication discussion groups collaborate using blogs subject matter experts –campus –professors
Synthesis process of integrating materials gathered, & creating information discussion questions course projects
MTT applies methods for extending learning environment –Publish student work on school website
MTT knows how to accomplish tasks to include participation w/: technological collaboration electronic communities –student –initiator –contributor –teacher mentor
Technological Collaboration eChalk Blackboard blogs instant messaging news groups
MTT knows how to: create specifications & instructions for technology based tasks. –creation of detailed instructional plan –use of Internet for research
MTT knows how to use technology applications to facilitate the evaluation of –Work Process Product
MTT knows how to create rubrics evaluate technology based processes and products –use established criteria –avoids bias
Rubric method of evaluation using set criteria used in subjective assignments –presentations –web pages –other technology projects provides expectations and consistency in grading
Rubric sites: – – –