Innovation support activities from the European Patent Academy Eighth WIPO Forum on IP and SMEs Rome 4-5 October 2010 Jeremy Philpott European Patent Academy.


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Presentation transcript:

Innovation support activities from the European Patent Academy Eighth WIPO Forum on IP and SMEs Rome 4-5 October 2010 Jeremy Philpott European Patent Academy


ip4inno - twelve teaching modules, each 3-hours long 1APatent basics 1BOther industrial property, e.g. reg. trade marks & reg. designs 2ACopyright & related rights 2B"Soft" IP - trade secrets, know-how, confidential information etc. 3APatent information for supporting business decisions tutorial 4AIP commercialisation (licensing; valuing; strategy) 4BBusiness planning around IP 5AIP enforcement (litigation & ADR; piracy & counterfeiting) 5BIP problem-solving exercises 6AIP issues by sector: Creative Industries; Software & CII; Biotech. 6BPromoting IP to SMEs (running workshops; PR campaigns)

Find partners with pertinent expertise to help with: –Revising, updating and shortening existing modules –Creating new modules (licensing; open innovation) –Translating materials (priority: Italy, Poland, new members) Develop e-Learning materials –"virtual classrooms" (webcasts) –"Event Captures" –Custom-made modules, studio recorded Maintain and update website - Lay foundations for a self-sustaining trainers' network Follow-up project - ip4inno II - to Dec 2011

Thank you for your attention! Jeremy Philpott Innovation Support European Patent Academy Inventors' Handbook New e-learning modules on computer-implemented inventions: -> Open Access modules -> Patent Knowledge More extensive training for business advisors on a range of IP issues is available through the ip4inno project: