Unit4 Green world Warming up Warming up reading listening Integrating skill Integrating skill speaking Word study Word study.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit4 Green world

Warming up Warming up reading listening Integrating skill Integrating skill speaking Word study Word study

Can you tell the name of the flower?

rose Roses are best presents to be sent to friends. And it is also very popular to send roses as love signal between young people. Red roses indicate warmth and love and white ones, purity and simplicity, blue ones, honesty and sincerity.


tulip Tulips are beautiful flowers and people often Send them to their friends as presents.


It comes from North America.Indians there began to grow them some 3000 years ago.


the Chinese national flower


the Chinese national flower

牡丹,国色天香,一直被国人视为 富贵、吉祥、幸福、繁荣的象征。牡 丹是原产于我国的木本名贵花卉。从 唐代起,牡丹就被推崇为 “ 国色天香 ” 。 尽管朝代更迭,世事沧桑,牡 丹统领群芳,影响深远,地位尊贵。 我国有种牡丹、赏牡丹的悠久历史, 并形成了丰厚的牡丹文化。牡丹分 布广泛,品种繁多,对牡丹的喜爱 和培育,我国有着广泛深厚的群众 基础。赏牡丹、唱牡丹、开牡丹花 会成为各地、各民族的一种喜庆盛事。

Which flower is your favorite? Explain why.

Growing plants in pots or boxes at home can be both fun and a useful experience.

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

Discuss: 1.What to grow in my garden 2. How to take care them. 3.When to harvest or pick them 1. What to do 2. How to take care of them Back

1..Why do people need to eat fruit? To keep healthy. 2. Some unfamiliar words and expressions. ① the richness in local fruits ② the poorness in local fruit species ③ grew there in the wild ④ keep fruit and vegetables fresh ⑤ Farmers in old England often had health problems during the winter because they did not get enough greens.

⑥ Long voyages took people away ⑦ The diet aboard ships consisted of salt meat, and hard biscuits. ⑧ The health of the sailors was the major concern of a captain.James Cook

⑨ to keep his men in good shape ⑩ He also experimented with foods such as dried vegetables, preserved cabbage, boiled carrot and fruit juice and beans. ⑾ the cure for this disease lay in eating fresh vegetables and fruit.

⑿ found themselves in heaven when they arrived in the East ⒀ With so much delicious fruit to choose from, they soon recovered their health.

3.Listen to the tape and get the topic of the passage 1).This passage mainly deals with _. A. Flowers B. Grain C. Fruits √

2).From this passage we know that_. A. People in the past had enough fruits to eat. B. People on the voyages long ago couldn’t survive long on board, one of the main reasons was that they lacked fresh fruits and vegetables. C. Captain Cook didn’t realise the importance of keeping ship and the crew members themselves clean and taking regular exercises. √

Fruit __________________________________| | | Family of oranges | Other fruits | ______________________ | ______ __________ ______________ Strawberry | _______ | lemon _____________ || family of the roses. apples peaches pears oranges bananas grapes 4.Listen to the tape and fill in the following chart

5.Please judge the following statements as true or false. false true ( )1. There were enough fruits in ancient Europe. ( )2. Farmers in old England often got ill during the winter because they did not get enough exercises. ( )3 Fruit and vegetables could not be kept fresh for a very long time because they they had not found ways to keep them.

( )4.The diet aboard ships consisted of salt meat, and hard biscuits. The sailors hardly ate any fresh vegetables or fruit. ( )5. The discovery of Vitamin C made people realise that eating fresh vegetables and fruit could treat this disease. true false Back

1.procedure n. 步骤,程序 a procedure for sth. 办 某事的程序,手续或步骤 the normal/usual procedure 正 常的 / 一般的程序

2. classify vt. 编排,分类 e.g. The books in the library are classified according to subject. 图书馆里的书是根据科目分类的。 adj. 可分类的 classifiable n. 归类,分类 classification

3. identification n. 认明,认别,鉴定 e.g. His only means of identification was his passport. 他唯一证明身份的证件就是他的护照。 v. identify 识别,鉴别,确定 常与 with 连用,意为 “ 认为同一,与 … 有关系,同情理解 This matter is too closely identified with you. 这件事和你有密切关系。

4. reward ① n. 报答,报酬,酬谢 +for ② vt. 给 报酬,奖赏 She received a crystal ball as a reward for her services. 作为对她服务的酬谢,她得到了一个水晶球。 reward sb. with sth. 以 … 报答某人 reward sb. for sth. 因 … 而给某人报酬

5. altogether adv. 总而言之, 完全地,总共 e.g. I am not altogether sure if I’d want you as a host.

比较 altogether, together, gather altogether adv. 总之,总共,完全地 together adv. 一起 Mix the salt and sugar together. gather v. 收割,收获,聚集,集合 She went along the lane gathering blackberries. 她沿着乡间小道采摘黑莓。

6. distinguish vi.&vt. 区别,辨别 distinguish between 两者之间的区别 distinguish…from… 把 … 和 … 区分开 distinguishing mark 与众不同的标记 distinguish yourself (to do sth.) 表现突出

e.g. People who can’t distinguish between colours are said to be colourblind.( 色盲 )

The birth of a science Unit 4 Reading

1.What products are these? 2. What are they used for? 3.Where do they come from? 4. Which countries produce them?

While-reading I. Fast reading How many people are mentioned in the passage? Carl Linnaeus Daniel Solander Joseph Banks Captain Cook

Karl Linnaeus Daniel Solander A student of Karl Joseph Banks A friend of Daniel the founder of botanical classification Daniel and Joseph developed the theory of Karl Linnaeus James Cook Both of them joined the expedition to Oceania led by Captain James Cook

Language points 1.mostly 不能理解为是 most 的副词 mostly 与 most 的含义是不同的 mostly 的主要含义是 “ 大部分 ” , “ 主要地 ” 。 e.g. More people arrived mostly Europeans.

mostly 近义词是 mainly, chiefly The dish consisted chiefly of meat. 这道菜主要是肉。

2. make attempts/an attempt 试图做 … +to do/at sth./at doing sth. e.g. They made no attempt to help. 他们没有想来帮忙。 Stephen made a faint attempt at a smile. 斯蒂芬勉强地笑了笑。

3.be based on 建立在 … 的基础上 The book is based on a true story. 在主动语态中,经常用 base…on… 把 … 建立在 … 的基础上 One should always base one’s opinion on facts. 人们的看法总是应该以事实为依据。

4. at first sight 即刻,马上 at the sight of 一看见 catch sight of 看到,发现 lose sight of 不再看见,忽视 in sight 在视线内

5. born bear 的过去分词 v. 生产,生育 adj. 天生的 1. 表示出生在何地、何时 be born in 2. 讲到出生在某一天时 be born on He was born in 1805 in China. Helen was born on November 1st,1985.

3. 表 “ 出生于 …( 父母 )” 时 be born of 4. 表示出生于 family 时 be born in He was born of poor parents. She was born in a rich family.

5. 表示 “ 婴儿出身于(某人家) be born to” A baby has born to them. 他们添丁了。 He was a born musician.

6.have an appetite for 爱好 此处 appetite 意为欲望、热情 Jack has no appetite for hard work.

7. on a large scale 大规模的 e.g. Our school has been development on a large scale since 1980.

8. involve 卷入,牵涉 常用 be involved in / involve oneself in/with Don’t involve yourself with those people.

9.accumulate 积累,积聚 表示在某段时间内自然累积的同类 的,相关的物品。 gather 使用最广泛,指 捡起零乱散布的物品 collect 指逐个地,有选 择地收集物品,有较大 的目的性,尤指为收藏 而进行收集

10. abandon 放弃,丢弃 相当于 give up They abandoned all hope of finding the child. abandon oneself to 纵情,沉湎于 … Don’t abandon yourself to drinking. 不要酗酒。

Consolidation Translate the following phrases into English: 1. 详细地 2. 处于支配的地位,负责 3. 由 …… 负责 4. 任命某人为 …… 5. 将 …… 分类成 6. 计算 …… 之间的距离 in detail in charge of in the charge of appoint sb. as classify…into… calculate the distance between…

7. 一代一代传下去 8. 建于 …… 之上;以 …… 为基础 9. 参与 ; 陷入 …… 的活动 10. 根据 ; 视 …… 而定;按照 11. 搜索;寻找 12. 总而言之 pass on from one generation to the next be based on be involved in according to search for altogether

II. Careful reading 1.Before Linnaeus botany was ________ . A . studied by doctors B . unknown to anyone C . fully developed D . a branch of medicine

2. Some economic species plants such as____could help to develop local economies . A . rose and peony B . tea and apple C . cocoa and hemp D . Cocoa and lemon 3. It was ____ who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research . A . Joseph Banks B . Captain Cook C . Linnaeus D. Daniel Solander

4.Paragraph one of the text mainly tells us ___ . A . the importance of botany B . how to classify plant species into groups C . Linnaeus’ contribution to botany D . Linnaeus’ discoveries about different species

5.Captain Cook made ___voyages altogether around the world. A . one B . Two C . Three D. four

Post-reading 1. How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus? Some scientists classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not.

2. What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world? To study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun; to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip; to search for an unknown southern continent.

3. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition? Because the government would not pay for such a new field of science as botany.

4. What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”? When people plant strawberry, they spread straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.

Integrating Skills Wildlife and garden roses

The process of evolution

Charles Darwin: 达尔文 (Charles Robert , 英国博物学家, 进化论的创立者 )

Find out the important people mentioned in the text. Charles Darwin Gregor Mendel Gote Turesson From England From Austria From Sweden

1.relate to 与 … 有关(有联系) He bought all the papers that related to this subject. 他把所有关于这个题目的论文都拿回来了。 n. relation 关系,交往 常用复数形式, + between / with I have had business relations with him.

relation 的另一个含义是 亲戚,亲属 He had no other near relations.

2. concern vt. 涉及,关系到 e.g. These problems don’t concern them.

1.I think David is a good __ on you. 2.His new way of teaching produced a good __. A influence B effect A B influence 影响,主要指人(包括 团体)对人的影响 effect 影响,多指物的影响,有 时指效果、作用

4. bring…back in view 原意为 “ 使 … 被看得见 ” ,句中引申 为验证。 in view 可以看到,在望,临近 e.g. The time is already in view when the children must leave home.

in view of 由于,有鉴于 In view if the fact, we’d better give up trying. in one’s view 依 … 看 on view 展览着 with a view to 有 … 的打算

ScientistResearch / experiment Result Charles Darwin Gregor Mendel Gote Turesson The wildlife of Galapagos, many varieties of garden roses He found the key to explaining differences between species. Flowers and peas His research gave birth to the science of genetics. Study of a wild plant in Swedish coast He showed difference between plants of a spice so ccurred as a result of the environment.

1. What led to his writing of the famous book On the origin of species? A.The study of physics, chemistry, and botany. B. What he had observed on the voyage. C. His expedition on the Beagle to the Galapagos.

2. Why the wildlife of the Galapagos Isles deserved special attention was that… A.there were even differences between the species of the different islands. B. most of the life forms could be found nowhere else. C.all the species showed a clear relationship with those of America.

3. The reason for the differences in the size of the beaks is that… A. the structure of the beaks were related to the 13 kinds of finches. B. the bids lived in different habitats and on different source of food. C. the differences between species led to the differences in the size of the beaks.

4. What was the purpose of Mendel’s experiments? A.His purpose was based on his love nature. B. His purpose was to support the ideas concerning the influence of environment upon plants. C. His purpose was based on the influence of environment upon plants.

5. What was the belief of the scientists of the nineteenth century ? A.The influence of the environment led to the development of new species. B. The development of new species lied in the influence of the environment. C. different varieties of species depended on different environments

How many parts can the text be divided into? Part I Pa1-3: Darwin and his research. Part II Pa4-5: Mendel and his experiment. Part III Pa6: Turesson and his study Part IV Pa7: the importance and significance of the research of the three.

Writing Dandelion Study the dandelion as it appears in two different living condition. And describe two plants and explain the differences

para 1 In nature/kinds of environmental conditions for the plants to grow in 1 hot and dry 2 wet and cool 3 the same plants growing in different places are different para 2 1Take dandelion for example. 2Can be found everywhere/yellow/look like teeth in a leaf. (characteristic) 3 low and thin in hot and dry places 4 the leaves short and light in colour para 3 Things are different in a cool and wet places 1 higher and stronger 2 boarder and large/dark green para 3 Differences between the same plants occur as a result of different environment. different places ( leaves)