High School & Junior Girls Session Kristine Love Director of Girls Lacrosse
Session Objectives Go over the administrative roles of NCJLA staff members, commissioners, and girl’s reps Key Calendar dates Decentralized scheduling Umpire Training and Play Day End of Year Tournament and Festival Coaching Staff: The foundation of a successful program
Girl’s Administration
NCJLA Board Members Director of Girls Lacrosse Division Commissioner Girls Reps Club Members: Players, Coaches, & Parents
Girl’s Director Objective is to be proactive prior to NCJLA deadlines and assist with: o Team Registration, o Conferences o Scheduling o Team Roster Submission o Coaches Certifications o End of Year Events o Summer Workshop
Commissioners Current Commissioners: GHS- Dean Whipple, SJ Extreme GU15- Dave Trahan, Novato Lacrosse Club GU13- Kelly French, Pleasanton Lacrosse Club Open positions: GU11 & GU9 Duties: Communicate with coaches and team managers of your division. Contribute during conference calls. Give input to on conferences. Assist with scheduling. Track ejections (red cards), Sportsmanship Incident Reports, & other details of the season. Assist with end of season events.
Actively communicate with GD and Commissioners. Be on monthly conference calls, second Monday of each month at 7:30PM October- No meeting November 11- Team registration December 9- Scheduling January- No meeting February 10- Umpire Training & Season Start March- No Meeting (held during Umpire Training) April 14- Playoffs, Season Questions, Season End May 5 (out of pattern)- End of Season Events Be available to send information from GD or Commissioner to applicable people in the club. If necessary assist in finding volunteers/staff for NCJLA events or umpires for umpire training. Girls Club Representatives
Important Administration Dates Pre-Season Calendar Saturday, September 28, 2013Delegates Meeting Monday, October 7, 2013Team Registration Opens Wednesday, October 9, 2013Player petitions due for October board meeting Saturday, October 12, 2013SF Fall Classic Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Last date to get player petitions in before team registration closes Saturday, November 16, 2013Level 1 Coaching Clinic, Menlo-Atherton HS Sunday, November 17, 2013Level 2 Clinic, Menlo-Atherton HS Sunday, December 8, 2013Team Registration Closes Wednesday, December 11, 2013Conferences Announced Wednesday, December 11, 2013Player petitions due for December board meeting Friday, December 13, 2013Conferences Locked Saturday, December 14, 2013Game Scheduling Starts, 2 Regional Meetings Wednesday, January 8, 2013 Last date to get player petitions in before scheduling closes. January 10-12, 2014US Lacrosse Convention TBD JanuaryLevel 1 & 2 Clinics, PCA Sunday, January 26, 2013Girls scheduling closes Sunday, January 26, 2014NorCal Lacrosse Convention TBD FebruaryLevel 1 Clinic (Site TBD) Sunday, February 9, 2014Rosters Due Sunday, February 9, 2014Coaches Certifications Due
2014 Scheduling Continue with Decentralized Scheduling but with more support from the NCJLA One Scheduling Meeting (Jr. levels only): Saturday, December 14 th Locations: – Town School (San Francisco) – Head-Royce (Oakland) Girls scheduling in the afternoon GU11 Ranking: 1- beginner, 2- intermediate, 3- advanced Back to back games (intermix age divisions) Consider travel and organize fields beforehand Full support from NCJLA Staff/Board & Commissioners – Director of Girls Lacrosse to send out a scheduling tip sheet If you can’t make the meeting consider asking someone to do the schedule for the club.
Season Calendar DateComment # game days NCJLA - Girls Saturday, March 1, 2014 Play Day / Umpire Training (TI both dates, Davis one date). Opening weekend for GHS, Sacramento and Oakland fields only. Sunday, March 2, 2014 Saturday, March 8, Opening weekend Sunday, March 9, Saturday, March 15, Sunday, March 16, Saturday, March 22, Sunday, March 23, Saturday, March 29, 2014 Spring Break Window 7 Sunday, March 30, Saturday, April 5, Sunday, April 6, Saturday, April 12, Sunday, April 13, Saturday, April 19, 2014 Easter weekend 13 Sunday, April 20, 2014 EASTER SUNDAY NO GAMES Saturday, April 26, Sunday, April 27, Saturday, May 3, Sunday, May 4, End Regular Season for High School, A- division & U9 Saturday, May 10, HS & A-division semi-finals; U9 Festival Sunday, May 11, 2014 Mother's Day 19 End Regular Season for U11 and B- divisions Saturday, May 17, 2014 A Division Finals; U13B-division tournament & Festival Sunday, May 18, 2014 HS Finals; U15B-division tournament & Festival; U11 Festival
Rule Changes and Emphasis 1.Coaches must go through stick check with their certification badges. 2.Tracking Injuries and SIRs 3.NCWLUA & Game changes 4.Spirit of U11 & U9 three pass rule 5.U13B Stop clock at the end of second half 6.8 th graders can not play up onto GHS without a petition 7.No photographers on players side. This will result in a delay of game green card. 8.Focus on full field sportsmanship!
Umpire Training March 1 & 2 Treasure Island, San Francisco Both March 1 & 2 No GHS Still need umpires from Marin, Petaluma, Napa, & Peninsula RSVP teams on NCJLA website by January 15 th Number of games dependent on number of RSVP’d teams Team packets and coaches meeting For more information visit: – Davis Either March 1 or 2 No GHS Each club needs to send 2 junior umpires No RSVP for this area, teams will be asked to attend Number of games dependent on number of RSVP’d teams. Team packets will be mailed out For more information visit: – Umpire Training
DateFieldNoteSeason End Event Saturday, May 10, 2014 Petaluma or ReddingNeed to confirm GHS Semi Finals DiabloConfirmed GU15A Semi Finals DiabloConfirmed GU13A Semi Finals Need Location Possibly Danville but need confirmation GU9 Festival (we would need 3 GU9 lined fields) Sunday, May 11, 2014 Mother's Day Saturday, May 17, 2014 Need Location Possibly Danville but need confirmation A Division Finals; U13B-division tournament & Festival (We would need 4 fields 8AM-6PM) Sunday, May 18, 2014 Need Location Possibly Danville but need confirmation HS Finals; U15B-division tournament & Festival; U11 Festival (We would need 4 fields 8AM-6PM) Season’s End
Developing a Strong Coaching Staff Builds Healthy Programs
When coaching young girls, remember…. 1.The stronger your coaching foundation, the easier it is to recruit girls and keep girls playing! 2.Children’s sport should be both fun & safe. 3.Would you play for yourself (yelling is the kiss of death)? 4.Girls need opportunities for unstructured play and to be creative. 5.Early sports specialization is not recommended. 6.The social aspects of sport are highly valued by girls (berry sharing). 7.The focus should be on skill development and individual improvement, not winning. 8.Give all girls time and attention, not just the most talented. 9.Reward them with shwag (stickers, lanyards, patches)! 10.Encourage them to bring friends.
How to Keep Girls Engaged
Carlton Chan: The Search for a Coach Skyline Lacrosse Club, 1979, 117 girls ages GU9-GHS- serves Piedmont, Oakland, alameda, San Leandro, & Castro Valley. Administration/Organization- MUST have a Girls Coordinator/VP Decentralized schedule allows for scheduling freedom when fields are tight Coaches- – Always try to get parent volunteers – Must have paid coaches to maintain a consistent program as parents move through the divisions – High school girls can be great coaches – Must have a training program for new coaches – Interview coach and have field evaluations – Maintain library of drills on google docs
Dave Trahan: Maintaining a Healthy Coaching Staff Novato Lacrosse Club, 1969, 120 Girls ages GU9-GU15A, Coaches- Feeds Novato, San Marin, Marin Catholic, and St. Vincent’s High Schools Training and Education- – Director of Coaching – NLC Coaches Agreement Letter – NCJLA Certification/US Lacrosse – Positive Coaching Alliance – Monthly Coaches Meetings – Additional field clinics and class room trainings during season – Coaching evaluations at year’s end
Group Discussion/Questions
Thank You! I’m looking forward to seeing you all out on the field.