Sentence Fragment: an incomplete thought that is punctuated as if it were a complete sentence. 1. As much instruction as you please, Madame Gout, and as many reproaches. 2. What a devil of a physician! 3. Because it increases blood circulation by throwing the body’s weight from one leg to the other. 4. Guilty of overindulgence and laziness. 5. Rather than playing chess.
You may give me as much instruction and as many reproaches as you please, Madame Gout. What a devil of a physician you are! Walking is good exercise because it increases blood circulation by throwing… Franklin is guilty of overindulgence and laziness. Rather than playing chess, he should be walking in the garden.
Benjamin Franklin
“Rags to Riches” Born in Boston 1706-the tenth child of an artisan Although he had two years of formal education in “writing school” he was mostly educated by experience
Wrote under the pseudonym Silence Dogood He was writing in Philadelphia at the time, published Pennsylvania Gazette and Poor Richard’s Almanac (almanacs were important in that time period-his outsold all others b/c of the aphorisms) Invested wisely and retired at age 42 in 1748
He was a Deist Revolutionary thinkers were deists- They had a faith in God based on reason and observation of nature rather than on revelation. Franklin shaped by worldly, tolerant climate of Philadelphia rather than the strict Puritan doctrine.
Poor Richard’s Almanack It contained a calendar, sunrise-sunset tables, tides, moon phases, and weather predictions. It was more popular than other almanacs because of Richard’s aphorisms
Aphorism An aphorism is a saying that is short, easy to remember, and contains significant meaning or insight to life.
Paraphrase the following: 1. Fish and visitors smell in three days. 2. If your head is wax, don’t walk in the sun. 3. Drive thy business; let it not drive thee. 4. The cat in gloves catches no mice. 5. Genius without education is like silver in the mine. 6. Fools make feasts, and wise men eat them. 7. If you would know the value of money, try to borrow some. 8. Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.
Aphorism Classwork : 1. Invent your own modern aphorism, using Franklin’s as models. 2. On your piece of paper, copy your aphorism and provide a beautiful illustration of it. 3. Present your aphorism to the class. Be creative!
The Autobiography Wrote for his son and his “posterity” Careful to include details about his approach to life that he believed would serve as helpful examples. Letter of fatherly advice A way to tell his “rags to riches” story without seeming to flaunt his accomplishments
The virtues… He establishes a list of virtues that he thinks everyone should possess. Then he puts them in order of importance. What 13 virtues does Franklin feel are necessary for moral perfection?
The virtues… 1. Temperance8. justice 2. Silence9. moderation 3. Order10.cleanliness 4. Resolution11.tranquility 5. Frugality12.chastity 6. Industry13. humility 7. Sincerity How would you order the virtues? Are there any you would add/omit?