Kamal Narouz
Biography born on November 12th, 1850, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist and a travel writer. His mother was Margaret Isabella Balfour and his father was Thomas Stevenson, who was a very successful lighthouse engineer. Since his early childhood Robert was interested in writing stories, which began his passion for literature and books. Stevenson was sent to a school at the age of six and then to the Edinburgh Academy where he continued his education.
Bio Cont’d Throughout his life, Stevenson was a victim of many illnesses that often kept him out of school for long periods of time. Stevenson’s father, Thomas, was proud of his son’s interest in writing but he did not expect him to go astray from the family’s business. In November of 1867, Stevenson attended Edinburgh University to study engineering and continue the family’s legacy. It was apparent that Robert had no interest in lighthouse engineering but he was pressured to go to college nonetheless.
Bio Cont’d In 1871, Stevenson decided to pursue a life of writing rather than engineering. When he notified his father of this decision, Thomas Stevenson was shocked and disappointed in his only son. Robert continued traveling and writing and during his traveling he met a divorced woman with the name of Fannny Osbourne. By May of 1880 Fanny and Robert were married. Stevenson continued moving throughout the US and back to Scotland but finally in 1890 he purchased a tract in Upolu, Samoa where he lived the last four years of his life. On December 3rd of 1894 Stevenson died of what was thought to be a cerebral hemorrhage, at the age of 44.
Treasure Island
Stevenson's use of literary elements makes this novel another literary classic. The main character goes through many phases and becomes a role model for the intended audience, which is young adults and children. The story includes rich settings and unique characters that are described in a classic style that makes everything about the story even better.
Characterization Robert Louis Stevenson uses many literary devices in his novels. One of the most effective and outstanding literary device that he uses is characterization. “Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of the character” (Elements of Literature 1191). Stevenson uses both direct and indirect characterization in his novels. Also, in both novels discussed above, the main characters, Jim and Davie, are dynamic characters. “A dynamic character changes in some important way as a result of the story’s actions” (Elements of Literature 1191). Stevenson uses characterization to reveal the main characters' personality in both novels, He also uses it to emphasize the change that the character go through throughput the story.
Symbolism Another literary device that Stevenson uses throughout his novels is symbolism. “Symbolism is a literary movement that advocates the use of highly personal symbols to suggest ideas, emotions, and moods” (Elements of Literature 1202). Stevenson focuses on a few objects in both novels that keep appearing throughout the story. Such objects have a special meaning or allude to deeper ideas that the author is trying to evoke in order to create a certain mood or emotion. Stevenson uses symbols as connections to ideas or emotions to something that already exists, whether in society or within the book.
Conflict The use of literary devices continues in both of Stevenson’s novels. A mutual literary device that is used in both novels is conflict. Like any adventurous novels, both Kidnapped and Treasure Island have conflicts throughout the progress the stories. A conflict is “a struggle or clash between opposing characters, forces, or emotions” (Elements of Literature 1192). Stevenson uses conflict throughout his novels to create suspense and an adventurous mood to the novels.
Other Novels Prince Otto (1885) Stevenson’s third full-length narrative, an action romance set in the imaginary Germanic state of Grünewald. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886), a novella about a dual personality much depicted in plays and films, also influential in the growth of understanding of the subconscious mind through its treatment of a kind and intelligent physician who turns into a psychopathic monster after imbibing a drug intended to separate good from evil in a personality. The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses (1888) An historical adventure novel and romance set during the Wars of the Roses. The Master of Ballantrae (1889), a masterful tale of revenge, set in Scotland, America, and India. The Wrong Box (1889); co-written with Lloyd Osbourne. A comic novel of a tontine, also filmed (1966). The Wrecker (1892); co-written with Lloyd Osbourne. Catriona (1893), also known as David Balfour, is a sequel to Kidnapped, telling of Balfour's further adventures. The Ebb-Tide (1894); co-written with Lloyd Osbourne.
Works Cited Elements of Literature Literature of Britain with World Classics. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Print. "Robert Louis Stevenson Biography." Robert Louis Stevenson Biography. Web. 7 May Stevenson, Robert Louis. Kidnapped. New York: F. Watts, Print. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island. New York: F. Watts, Print. Photograph. Boomerang Books. Web. 16 May Luminarium. Web. 16 May "Robert Louis Stevenson Biography and Notes." Robert Louis Stevenson. Web. 16 May