Famous Americans SOL st Grade By: Mrs. Beach Modified by: ACPS ITRTs
Who is this famous American? A.Abraham Lincoln B.George Washington C.Benjamin Franklin D.George Washington Carver
Who is this famous American? A.George Washington B.Abraham Lincoln C.Benjamin Franklin D.George Washington Carver
Who is this famous American? A.George Washington B.Abraham Lincoln C.George Washington Carver D.Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin is important because… A.He discovered America. B.He opened the first fire department and library. C.He was an African American. D.He was the first President.
Which of the following did Benjamin Franklin do? A.Discovered electricity with a kite. B.Freed the slaves. C.Cut down a cherry tree. D.Lived in a log cabin.
What do we call Abraham Lincoln? A.The Peanut King B.The Father of Our Country C.Honest Abe D.Lightning Man
Which of the following houses did Abraham Lincoln grow up in? A. B. C. D.
Abraham Lincoln grew up to become… A.An American President B.A scientist C.A teacher D.A farmer
Which of the following did George Washington do? A.He was the first President. B.He discovered America. C.He walked on the moon. D.He sailed around the world.
What do we call George Washington? A.The Father of Our Country B.The Peanut King C.Honest Abe D.Lightning Man
George Washington Carver was a… A.Teacher B.President C.Explorer D.Bus driver
George Washington Carver was a scientist. What did he study? A. B. C. D.
Where was George Washington born? A.Virginia B.Pennsylvania C.Florida D.Mexico
Which of these famous Americans was a president? A.B.C.
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