Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS) Development of a Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015 - 2023.


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Presentation transcript:

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS) Development of a Strategic Plan for Migratory Species

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) What is CMS? Why do Migratory Species Matter? What are Threats to Migratory Species? Why is CMS needed? How Does CMS Operate? –Agreements –MOUs –Appendices

Why should we all be interested in a new Strategic Plan? Clear, common agenda for all to work to; Vision, leadership and driving force for achievements; Framework for assessing progress; New challenges; new opportunity, to modernize and magnify efforts; Can be adapted for use in different circumstances (countries, partners, etc.); 2013: invitation to shape the content.

Working Group Current CMS Strategic Plan ( ); Future Strategic Plan for ; Working Group of CMS Parties; Draft Plan by CMS COP11 in 2014; Observers actively involved and welcome; Transparency important; Completed review of current implementation and lessons learned; First meeting, 5-6 November in Bonn.

A New Way Forward For migratory species in general. Overarching framework for all those working towards conserving migratory species.

Aichi Targets Approach Biodiversity Strategic Plan; Aichi Biodiversity Targets; Benefit from their political visibility and support; Contribute to delivery of Aichi Targets; Tap into existing support mechanisms; Identify the relevance of Aichi Targets for migratory species, and vice versa; Overall targets for migratory species; More specific targets for some of the CMS instruments.

Twin Track Strategic Plan –Short, focused document for overall guidance; –Long-term/high-level outcomes; –Generate political support and visibility. Companion Guide for Implementation. –Guidance for implementation of the Plan, e.g. by CMS instruments; –Support for CMS Parties - resources, capacity building and technical assistance.

Intensive Consultative Process Success depends on buy-in; Regional involvement; SPWG members action; Expert and/or regional consultations; Speak at other meetings; Outreach: –material on the website; –CMS Parties, CMS instruments, other MEAs, civil society and other stakeholders. Draft SP in 3 CMS languages, at least.

Drafting Over coming months, identify: –mutual relevance of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and migratory species; –High-level targets for migratory species; –The needs regarding implementation, monitoring and indicators for its implementation; –Prepare first draft Plan. During 2013 Consultations on draft, revisions; Late 2013 SPWG meeting; 2014 Another round of consultations / revisions; Mid 2014 Presentation to the Standing Committee; Late 2014 Presentation to COP and launch.

Other Priorities and Keeping Informed National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs); United Nations Decade on Biodiversity ; Benefit from the relevant Aichi Biodiversity Targets and contribute to their delivery; Target 20 on resource mobilization; Dedicated page on the CMS website: wg/strpln_wg_mainpage.htm. wg/strpln_wg_mainpage.htm

What part can you play? Consultation is inclusive and participatory; Invitation and an opportunity for 2013, while the Plan is being drafted. Contact: Questions - contact me.

Thank you!