Anatomy of a Revolution. Describe the progression of an illness like the flu. Describe specific traits that these stages could share with other illnesses?


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Presentation transcript:

Anatomy of a Revolution

Describe the progression of an illness like the flu. Describe specific traits that these stages could share with other illnesses? What differences are there between the beginning, the height of the flu, and the end?

FEVER MODEL OF REVOLUTION Much like an illness, revolutions can also be studied in stages

This stage in an illness is when the cause of the sickness first comes into contact with the individual, infecting them, but not yet causing any symptoms to present themselves. What would this stage be like in a revolution? In a revolution, this stage would involve class tensions, gov’t inefficiency, corruption, force, or ineptitude. Intellectuals question authority, and the economy shows signs of weakness or failure. In some cases, these causes could fester for many years before showing themselves in the form of actual revolutionary action.

This stage in an illness is when sickness starts to affect the person in observable ways. Temperature may rise. A cough might present itself. The individual might become weak and queasy. What would this stage be like in a revolution? In a revolution, this stage would be the first to involve direct action resulting from financial breakdown. This stage might involve the publication of works calling for change, street level riots by the common people, and other direct attempts at changing the society. Moderates and Radicals compete for power.

Crisis Stage In a revolution, this stage would be the make or break part of the struggle. Radicals gain power as Moderates are marginalized by Revolutionary rhetoric or direct retaliation. “Strong Man” takes power By controlling the Revolutionary Council and centralizing power. Successful revolutions survive this stage. Those that do not are usually considered “rebellions” not “Revolutions”. This is the critical stage in an illness where two things can happen. The individual either breaks the fever after a heightened stage of illness or the individual gets progressively worse and does not recover. What would this stage be like in a revolution?

Convalescence This stage involves recovering from the illness. The individual might be weakened from the experience, but he or she will eventually emerge healthy and with new knowledge and experience that might prevent the illness from occurring again. What would this stage be like in a revolution? In a revolution, this stage would involve recovering from the extreme disruptions of the crisis stage. In general, times quiet down in a slow and uneven manner. Tyrants come to power, old radicals are oppressed while moderates gain amnesty (forgiveness). Period of aggressive Nationalism, return to “normalcy” as country gains strength.

Don’t try and copy the following just try to understand the examples

Primary “ Incubation ” Stage “ perception of good times ” Class antagonisms, government inefficiency, corruption, or ineptitude, intellectuals question authority, economic weakness or failure, governments resort to force ’ s – 1740 ’ s: Great Awakening opens the door for perceived right of poor to question … (although no real doctrinal change is preached) ’ s - : Lack of specie (gold and silver), and mercantile policies decrease colonial economy : Increased social stratification as the European sponsored four “ World Wars ” create a “ Merchant Prince ” class who use their monopoly of scarce capital to control purchasing and credit. Most intellectuals and artists reflect English culture and beliefs: Copely stays friends with G-III during the Revolution. Benjamin Franklin is prospering off of Royal Gov ’ t contracts for printing Royal documents. Several colonies such as Pa, NC, RI, Va. controlled their Royal Governors by paying their salaries and were able to have a perceived “ representative gov ’ t ”. B/c of 3,000 miles of distance all colonies had some level of self rule based on English precedents.

CLASSIC STAGESFOLLOWING (BLACK)NOT FOLLOWING (RED) Primary “ Incubation ” Stage “ perception of good times ” Class antagonisms, government inefficiency, corruption, or ineptitude, intellectuals question authority, economic weakness or failure, governments resort to force ’ s – 1740 ’ s: Great Awakening opens the door for perceived right of poor to question … (although no real doctrinal change is preached) ’ s - : Lack of specie (gold and silver), and mercantile policies decrease colonial economy : Increased social stratification as the European sponsored four “ World Wars ” create a “ Merchant Prince ” class who use their monopoly of scarce capital to control purchasing and credit : Seven Years (F&I) War creates rifts b/w colonial militia and royal troops. 1763: Proclamation of 1763 outlaws settlement west of Appalachian Mtns. Previous access to cheap land (wealth) disappears overnight. 1764: Scots-Irish Immigrants follow Paxton Boys of Penn and march on Philly in protest of Quaker oligarchy ’ s lenient policy to Indians, and perceived special treatment of the east v. west. Regulator movement in N. Carolina. Scots-Irish Allegheny squatters rebel against eastern elite ’ s growing merchant class use of Royal courts to take their land. Most intellectuals and artists reflect English culture and beliefs: Copely stays friends with G-III during the Revolution. Benjamin Franklin is prospering off of Royal Gov ’ t contracts for printing Royal documents. Several colonies such as Pa, NC, RI, Va. controlled their Royal Governors by paying their salaries and were able to have a perceived “ representative gov ’ t ”. B/c of 3,000 miles of distance all colonies had some level of self rule based on English precedents : Clashes with French Canada & Spanish Florida keep colonials loyal to crown for protection and perceived ability to steal land from Fr and Sp. Navigation Acts actually help NE/MC shipbuilders, timber sales, producers of naval stores (pitch, pine tar, etc) jobs for sailors, and merchant class. They help the South (England MUST buy all enumerated goods at full production levels), but this also decreases the prices, leading to generational debt through credit purchases on future sales : Five decades of Salutary Neglect have increased colonial prosperity, especially NE and Southern Colonies.

In groups, you are going to complete the chart I am handing out. There will be no shortage of examples both Black and Red. Your job is to fill in at LEAST 5 examples for every chart cell by picking the MOST important parts from chapters 5 and 6.