Lesson 9 Traveling the World Bently, the Snowflake Man
“Under the microscope, I found that snowflakes are miracles of beauty, and I felt sad that this beauty should not be seen and appreciated by others. 기적
Every crystal is a masterpiece of design, and no one design is ever repeated.
When a snowflake melts, that design is forever lost. Its beauty is gone, leaving no record behind. 기록남기고서 녹다
I became filled with a great desire to show people this wonderful loveliness, ambition to preserve it.” - 로 가득차다 욕구, 열망
p.181 Have you ever wondered(p.p) what a snowflake looks like up close? - 처럼 보이다 - 한 적 있는가 ?
Do you think you can catch one and take a picture of it before it melts?
Do you know that no two snowflakes are alike?
Here’s the story of a man who spent his entire life observing and photographing snowflakes. ( 시간, 돈 ) 를 – 하느라 쓰다 ( 보내다 )
Wilson Bentley was born in 1865 on a farm in Vermont in the United States.
From the time he was a small boy, he was very curious about the natural world around him. 호기심있는
He loved to study butterflies, leaves and spiderwebs. Most of all, however, he loved snow. 무엇보다도 우선
While other boys were having snowball fights and building snowmen, Bentley was catching snowflakes on a tray. - 하는 동안
p.182 Shortly before his 15th birthday, Bentley’s mother asked if he wanted anything special.
He told her he wanted a microscope to see snowflakes up close, so she gave him an old microscope she had used when she was a teacher.
Never did she imagine the effect it would have on her young son.
Looking at snow crystals through his microscope, he was amazed at their delicate beauty, complexity, and variety. He tried to draw them, but the crystals always melted before he could finish. 섬세한 아름다움복잡성다양성
Although his father and neighbors thought it foolish to run after snowflakes, Bentley didn’t stop. He continued and over time drew more than three hundred of them. - 일지라도
At the age of 17, Bentley got a special camera and adapted it to a microscope that could magnify snowflakes up to 3,600 times their actual size.
Unfortunately, he knew nothing about photography, and failure followed failure. He spent long hours in the freezing weather learning the art of snowflake photography. 실패
Little did he imagine that it would be such a challenge. Finally, after two years of painstaking trial and error, he became the first person in the world to photograph individual snowflakes. 도전
p.183 At first, he expected to find that most snowflakes looked alike, but, to his great surprise, he discovered ( 발견했다 ) that every snowflake was different, just like people. 기대했다
He called them “tiny miracles of beauty.” 기적
However, when Bentley showed his images to others, many people, including scientists and professional photographers, laughed at him.
They wondered why he was “wasting his time” taking pictures of snow, which was so common in Vermont. 흔한
Few people took him seriously. But Bentley was not discouraged, and he went on to capture over 6,000 snowflakes on film during his lifetime. 진지하게
His special interest in snow grew into a scientific curiosity about the development and shapes of snow crystals. 관심, 흥미
For years, he devoted himself not only to his photography but also to the study of snow and other atmospheric phenomena. 대기의 현상들
He filled many notebooks with records of his weather observations and photographic techniques. 관찰 기술 기록
These records provided useful information about daily weather conditions, as well as valuable details about how to photograph snowflakes.
p.184 Although the scientific community largely ignored him during much of his life, he was finally invited to become an honored member of the American Meteorological Society in 1920.
From that time on, his photographs were requested by academic institutions worldwide. 요청받았다 그때부터 학문적 기관
In 1931, he published a book, Snow Crystals, to show the world his life’s work. 출판했다
Ironically, he died of pneumonia* that same year, after walking home through a snowstorm. 아이러니하게 눈보라
Wilson Bentley devoted his life to showing the world the beauty and variety of snowflakes. - 에 평생을 바치다
He was a self-taught scientist who was never afraid to make mistakes. 실수하다
With his tremendous curiosity and imagination, he became a true pioneer in the field of atmospheric science, as well as an innovative and talented photographer. 엄청난 혁신적인
He will be always remembered as “the Snowflake Man.”