Royal Highland Show Promoting the best in farming, food & rural life
why invest in PR? it’s expected provides emotional engagement / segment audiences brand protection - crisis planning it works! Body Shop Whatsapp, Microsoft, Intel it delivers real value - £1.7m excluding BBC
#no 1 - be creative!
#2 - what’s ‘new’?
#3 - make it easy for media online registration & seamless delivery of passes / car parking fact & figures / releases / photography online open the gates pre-show for photographers & consider bloggers show where the show story ‘fits’ - events, education, business, human interest make key people available - show manager / chief exec / chairman provide accurate & timely information - results / catalogue end of show conference - footfall figures / industry comment
# 4 - engage social media #RHS2014
# 4 - engage social media
# 5 - create a crisis plan processes - who, what, where, when, how technology - 24 access to web & social media people - trained & brand aware stakeholders - engage & educate
… to include social media
# 6 - collaborate sponsors exhibitors judges breed societies media (competitions) stakeholders
# 7 - think about next year.. this year collateral - photography & film create a target list & engage - sponsors, media, influencers
# 8 - measure & evaluate Great day out A taste of rural life Food & drink agricultural policy livestock Homecoming cookery Haggis prize money Good attendance Fashion shopping Food charter RHASS travel Grain to Glass Education
# 9 - maintain dialogue!
# 10 - ideas from the floor …