The Career Planning Road Map
DISCOVER Have you thought about what you want to do when you graduate?
* Log on to FOCUS (found on the Center for Career & Professional Development’s (CCPD) website) and complete the assessments to identify interests, values, skills and personality preferences. Use your results, experiences and aspirations to write a personalized Action Plan on FOCUS.FOCUS * Familiarize yourself with various majors. Attend the Majors Fair. Talk to faculty and upper-classmen in different majors.various majors Next
* Learn about what you can do with different majors using resources such as “What Can I Do With This Major”What Can I Do With This Major * Attend the Club Fair. Participate in activities and clubs and community service to explore interests and develop new skills.activities and clubscommunity service * Consider a summer job that will allow you to experience something you are interested in. * Develop a resume as a first step to your future career.resume Next Step
EXPLORE Do you know about all the career options available to you? Back to previous question.
* Attend career related events, workshops, presentations, job related events * Conduct informational interviews and job shadow professionals working in careers that interest you.informational interviews * Explore potential career paths through the various links on the.Career Related Sites by Major section of the CCPD website.Career Related Sites by MajorCCPD website Next
* Review and update your FOCUS Action Plan and make any revisions or additions. FOCUS * Participate in volunteer service related to your career interests.volunteer service * Explore study-abroad * Develop and strengthen transferable skills by getting involved. Take on leadership roles.transferable skills * Begin planning for a summer internship. Talk to your advisor. Check out the internship links on the CCPD website.internship Next Step
DECIDE Are you ready to make some decisions about your career? Back to previous question.
* Gather more information about careers and the job market. Review general career trends and employer needs.trends and employer needs * If considering graduate or professional school, begin researching potential programs. Find out what admission tests may be required.graduate or professional school * Strengthen your resume. Prepare your response to Tell Me About Yourself. L earn how to network.resumeTell Me About Yourselfnetwork Next
* Practice your interviewing skills. Utilize InterviewStream. InterviewStream. * Develop your LinkedIn profile and join the LHU Alumni LinkedIn group. Look for other professional network groups of interest.LinkedIn * Attend job fairs and other professional events and establish contacts in your field.job fairs and other professional events * Acquire additional skills and experience through an internship, summer job, or other work/volunteer opportunities. Next Step
IMPLEMENT Are you ready to take that next step after graduation? Back to previous question.
* Choose your career direction and develop a plan of action. * Identify and research potential employers. * Finalize your resume and LinkedIn profile, and identify potential references.LinkedIn * Apply to graduate/professional schools and register to take necessary exams. Begin working on your personal statement.graduate/professional schools Next
* Sharpen interviewing skills. Utilize InterviewStream. Schedule a mock interview in the CCPD. InterviewStream * Network and reach out to contacts. Network * Attend job fairs on- and off-campus.job fairs * Register on LHU CareerConnections, and utilize the other resources on the CCPD website to search and apply for jobs.LHU CareerConnectionsCCPD website * Analyze job offers/graduate school admissions and weigh options. Next
Congratulations! You have taken the steps to prepare yourself for success after graduation. Remember that career development is a process that will continue throughout your life. There will be times when you will find it helpful to revisit some of these steps. Be sure to utilize the resources and services in the Center for Career and Professional Development, Ulmer 206, throughout your academic career. We’re here to help you with your journey.
* Interpersonal skills * Teamwork skills * Leadership skills * Communication skills (written & verbal) * Planning, organization, & management skills * Decision-making and problem-solving skills * Research and analytic skills * Advanced computer skills Back