Fake or foto?
JERRY LODRIGUS Anything’s okay if the purpose is art People have been making things up since the invention of language: it’s called fiction! Photography is inherently subjective ANYWAY As long as the artist doesn’t try to mis-represent what they are doing and their methods are completely explained, photo-manipulation is OK
“We shouldn’t be concerned” Tyler: like we all read and know, we are in a day in age where everyone knows that basically everything in the media (and quite often everywhere else) is/has been/can be manipulated. Tanner: I don't think we should look down on digital's an art form in and of itself. It is very time-consuming so we should respect those who can do that. Ashlee: I think that havoc is in the eye of the beholder as a person who likes to tinker I think its an expansion of creativity
Alexa: Keeping it in context and being a smart viewer is important to remember, pictures today can lie as much as stories can.
“We should be concerned” Kasey: People trust the news and photographs and if its so easy to manipulate then that means people can easily be manipulated when they trust these photos. Tera: when people alter photos in order to distort the image in a way that brings false pretences – then I believe that is when the institution of photojournalism is weakened. Monica: digital manipulation can be fun as long as it's used for entertainment and is not trying to be misleading when the purpose is to make it truthful.
ERIN: It really makes me upset to think that these news mediums that we trust have the capability to alter their photographs or videos. But than again they can alter their stories just by what they are telling us. I think this argument was really emphasized by Jerry Lodriguss when he stated “Just as a writer enhances his factual stories with metaphor and adjectives, photographers can enhance their images with digital techniques such as contrast and color enhancement.” Because of these reasons it is important to question what you see and research using other sources to find the most accurate information
NEWS MAGAZINE COVERS Is it ok to editorialize?
Manipulated nonmanipulated Fred Ritchen, NY School of Photography
OTHER MAGAZINES: are these images art or documentation?
TERA: We see so many people in today’s society, like celebrities, who are so worried about their image that they RELY on Photoshop to portray to our world someone who is “perfect”, but the fact that none of us are perfect – lies the true, authentic beauty of our world. MonicaWe've all made a purchase that didn't make us look quite as good as the people on TV. Logan: As far back as 1840 professionals have been manipulating photos to make them look more "authentic" even if the picture is 100% real some people just aren't satisfied, and are constantly searching for ways to embellish reality in order to make another sale…. The only thing this really creates is more self-conciousness, especially for females, when they see perfect pictures of other women and feel like they need to do things differently in order to be more like them
Andy Roddick
IQ Derma
PHOTOSHOP Dove Evolution Dove Onslaught Dove Evolution Dove Onslaught
Parody #1 Parody #2: slob evolution
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