11 Next Generation R-2000 Standard Presented to: Technical Research Committee February 23 rd, 2011
2 – R-2000, as best practice, serves as basis right up to Net Zero Standards and Labels * EnerGuide Rating Scale Code ENERGY STAR for New Homes – a prescriptive energy performance brand 25% better than code R-2000 – a best-in-class performance brand, 50% better than code for premiere builders, leading energy performance and innovation Net Zero Notional future ERS levels (to be determined through consultation) for the NRCan framework and suite of standards and labels *86 is key point where renewables start to kick in
3 R-2000 Standard Renewal Committee Standard Council of Canada based approach with Advisory Committee Committee in place since December 2009 Best-in-class performance brand, for premiere builders, at the forefront of energy performance and innovation Vision: To provide the home building industry and consumers with a technical standard that represents the leading edge of commercially-viable new home construction, based on available and proven technology, products, materials and building techniques Recommendations on Technical Standard
4 Key Recommendations Increase energy target by 50% Increased from ERS 80 to ERS 86 Additional interim building envelope target Must meet ERS 82 using standard mechanical conditions (calculated automatically by software) Airtightness Requirement Detached: keep Pa Attached: under discussion
5 Key Recommendations Account for AC Energy target will account for AC when: the cooling load > 2.0 MJ/m3 and Indoor temp > 25.6 o C for more than 75 hours/month for at least 2 months in a year. not necessary to install an AC unit Account for Renewable Energy SDHW & geothermal currently accounted in hot water and space heating in software New equation will credit electricity from on-site renewable electricity sources (e.g., PV, wind)
6 Key Recommendations No minimum performance requirements Exception: fenestration must be ENERGY STAR (due to auditing; but no specific climate zone requirement) Broader Pick List Current: Choose 3 of 12 IAQ items; 2 of 15 environmental items Proposed new list: Choose 8 of 27 items IAQ: 5 items Energy Efficiency: 7 items Environmental Stewardship: 7 items Resource Management: 4 items Water Conservation: 4 items
7 Next Steps Finalize recommendations on standard Public review: March/April 2011 Exploring option for a Pilot
8 ESNH First Committee meeting took place in December 2010 Vision: to provide consumers with access to energy efficient new homes and builders with a means to building these homes in a timely, simple and cost- effective manner using common building practices. Committee Goal: make recommendations on national minimum requirements and provincial BOPs Initial work to be complete by December 2011
9 More Information Development of Next Generation Energy Efficiency Housing Standards: initiatives.cfm initiatives.cfm To register as an observer for any of the processes R-2000: ESNH:
10 Questions?