Rules of Packet Transmission


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Presentation transcript:

Rules of Packet Transmission (Role of packet switching and routers)

Rules of Packet Transmission How is data sent? Payload (the data) Destination Address Source Address (Packet or Datagram) When a computer wants to send a message or a file to another computer, it firstly separates the file into a series of data packets. File (eg word document, MP3 etc) Rules of Packet Transmission

Rules of Packet Transmission Using datagram's Computer network File File Sending a file Reorganising a file (Packet or Datagram) Sending the data (Packet or Datagram) Rules of Packet Transmission

Rules of Packet Transmission Sending the packets (IP Address) File, DATA D A 1 2 T Sending computer A Breaking up the file into packets 3 4 5 Data packets are reassembled File, DATA (IP Address) 6 7 Receiving computer Rules of Packet Transmission

Rules of Packet Transmission Packets via the Router (IP Address) D A T A Sending computer Packets about to be sent out onto the Internet The router is instrumental in sending packets onto their destination Data packets are reassembled having reached their destination (IP Address) D A T Receiving computer Rules of Packet Transmission A

Rules of Packet Transmission The Router Gateway D A T A A ‘mish mash’ of routers send messages on to their destinations The Router Gateway The router inspects the computer’s address packets and sends it onto the next router. Rules of Packet Transmission

Rules of Packet Transmission The Router Gateway D D A A T T A A Computer A x x If part of the network fails, then packets are rerouted around the failure. Rules of Packet Transmission Computer B

Rules of Packet Transmission The Router Gateway Advantages of Packet Switching 1 When sending packets, the system is able to survive a partial network failure, as packets are rerouted 2 Packets can be rerouted around failures very quickly and set on a new path 3 The Internet can grow very quickly as its growth is based on the end points not on any centralised control 4 There is no need for Internet routers to notify each other as endpoint connections are formed and dropped 5 The integrity and security of each packet sent is handled by the endpoints, which simplifies the role of the Internet. 6 Each end point need only be aware of the router to which it is connected and optionally a name resolution service. Rules of Packet Transmission