“Leading Innovation in Canadian Police Training” Canadian Police Knowledge Network Stanhope P.E.I. – 06/07 October 2009 Superintendent J.E. (John) Tod Director, Provincial Police Academy Ontario Provincial Police
2 The Stage Setting the Stage Overview / Update of OPP ELearning Program Building Options for Success The Future is Now Collision Reduction
3 Organizational Facts By The Numbers –6,000 uniformed / 2,600 civilian / 120 Cadets / 850 Auxiliary members –More than 716,000 calls for service in 2008 –Services over 922,752 sq/km of land and 110,398 sq/km of waterways –Provincial / Municipal (313) responsibilities –165 detachments, 6 Region/Division HQ’s, General Headquarters in Orillia.
4 Academy Work The Provincial Police Academy (PPA) at Work –M–Making sense of the numbers The Successes The Challenges
5 The Future is Now Methods of Training Delivery Traditional – Solution Based Learning Why E-Learning –Next best thing –Testing –Individual –Measured –Trackable
6 E-Learning in the OPP PPA E-Learning Implementation Project approved in 2007, implemented in April 2008 Key objectives: –Implement a Learning Management System (LMS) –Review Academy curriculum for e-learning opportunities –Develop in-house e-learning design & development capacity
7 E-Learning Strategy Commercially Available Courses Development Partnerships In-House Development Courses
8 Current Status LMS Administrative Module implemented in October 2008 –Member access to O.P.P. Learn (LMS web portal) and testing of field administrative functions scheduled for implementation in October 2009 Content Provider e-learning courses made available to members through CPKN, including: –General Investigative Training (GIT) –Highway Criminal Interdiction: Consent to Search Requirements In-house development of online FleetNet Radio Refresher module underway
9 E-Learning in the OPP On Line Options Benefits (Money Talks) On Line Stats TD –46 courses provided –1817 training opportunities –1500 completed
10 The Priority The Issue - Officer Involved Collisions The Fleet OPP Collision Rate Critical Trends Identified in 2008 Data: –“New Officers are at greatest risk” –“Most likely to crash during routine duties”
Despite costly and resource intensive driver training programs, police agencies across North America have similar collision rates Traditional police driver training programs tend to focus on physical skills behind the wheel The vast majority of police officers have the ability to be a “good” driver under most conditions What most police officers lack however is the capacity to dedicate enough “attention” to the primary task of driving The OPP on-line driver awareness program focuses on the human factors required to be a “good” driver Physiological attributes that are different for every officer: perception - attention - memory Why the Priority?
12 Meeting the Priorities 70% of OPP officers killed in the line-of-duty die in vehicle collisions. During the 2009 National Police Memorial Service in Ottawa, two names were added to the Wall of Honour. Both officers were killed in car crashes. (one OPP) We must find new ways to save the lives of our members.
13 In 2009, a presentation outlining the cognitive aspects of driving was delivered to 400 officers as a pilot At the conclusion of the pilot project, the involved region’s collisions dropped by nearly 50%
CPKN On-line Course Proposal Draft Outline Title - Preventing Officer-Involved Collisions Purpose - To engage front line level awareness and improve the ability to make good decisions while driving. This course will provide the officer with the knowledge related to: risk management techniques, human factors, managing distractions and improving their own self-awareness. Lessons -6 Length -45min - 1 hour Cost -TBD (but similar to HCI)
15 It is NOT intended to teach a “driving skill” It WILL influence better decisions while driving The on-line session is a cost effective way to reach an unlimited number of officers with the right information The Solution
16 Superintendent John Tod Director Provincial Police Academy