Greg Down 2 nd ICAO Global TEM & NOSS Symposium FAA – Washington, DC Normal Operations Safety Surveys The NAV CANADA Experience
2 Presentation Overview NOSS Trials Post-NOSS Activities Lessons Learned
3 NOSS Activities Vancouver ACC Enroute NOSS Trial Vancouver ACC Terminal NOSS Trial 2007 Gander ACC NOSS Planned for 2007
5 Image of Vancouver FIR Vancouver FIR
Enroute NOSS Overview 3 Enroute Specialties 13 Sectors 7 Observers 57 Observations
7 Project Planning Observer Selection and Training Observation Period Data Verification Data Analysis Final Report Presentation 2005 Enroute NOSS Overview
8 Final Report Presentation Provided to (in order): –Local Management –Senior Management and Union Executive –Observers –Staff
9 Final Report Presentations - Staff Allowed controllers to hear directly what the process was –what was observed –what the data meant Opportunity to voice their concerns about the system
10 High level of staff buy-in of the process and the feedback provided Controllers wanted the opportunity to fully participate/collaborate on the solutions Final Report Presentations
11 What do we do now? The Safety Change Process Will depend on individual unit / organization as how best to interpret and implement change We looked at various means: –Recurrent training –Procedures teams –Airspace design –Staff meetings –Intra-specialty meetings –Quality Assurance process improvement –Steering Committee
12 The Safety Change Process Post-NOSS Steering Committee Consisted of: –one management representative –the NOSS Project Manager –one observer from each Specialty
13 Post-NOSS Committee Identified Targets for Enhancement based upon the feedback from : –NOSS Trial Final Report –Threat / Error / Undesired State Logs –Observer Narratives –Feedback from Data Verification participants –Feedback received from observers, controllers and management at the NOSS Briefings
14 We elected to address several items : –Controller focus groups –Airspace design changes –Position Hand-over Briefing Checklists –Environmental changes –Other Controller Threat Training Targets For Enhancement
Lessons Learned
16 Involvement of the Union – Critical Reassures and legitimizes the process for controllers Assistance in selecting observers who are respected and capable
17 Communicate Communicate Communicate The biggest controller concerns were related to lack of knowledge about NOSS Importance of preparing the supervisors Be present and available to answer any and all questions
18 Except that people often dont actually listen… You will do a lot of explaining as observations begin Deal with issues as they occur
19 REFUSALS - Actually a good thing A clear indication of the strength of the program Controllers quickly saw that there was no response for refusing a NOSS observation As a result, there were no additional refusals
20 STOP Rules Provided further evidence of the seriousness that NOSS treats controller anonymity A couple of examples: –TCAS R/A –pilot altitude bust
21 Observer Selection Imperative that are they are respected and trusted Pick a variety of backgrounds and experience levels Used controllers who werent already involved in many other things (fresh faces)
22 Dont burn out your observers Space out the observations …but not too much
23 Data Verification Phenomenal insight into your operation Tremendous amount of work One of the greatest learning experiences about your operation Did I mention the work part...?
24 CLOSING & REVIEW NOSS aims to capture how the system is behaving as opposed to how it was designed to function Draft ICAO NOSS Manual