Environmental Technology Excessive Noise Noise Generators
Obj 7.05: Excessive Noise? Physical Damage n Temporary hearing loss n Below 80 dBA usually OK n Permanent hearing loss n 150 dBA or more can shatter eardrum n Can increase blood pressure and pulse rate
Obj 7.05: Excessive Noise? Emotional & Psychological Damage n High anxiety, stress and irritability n Lack of sleep n Mental fatigue n Lack of concentration
Obj 7.06: Noise Generators n Roadway traffic n Railway traffic n Air traffic n Industrial, manufacturing (including construction), and other production noise
How much is too much? n The various ministries at the Federal, Provincial levels (e.g. Ministry of the Environment) establish requirements for noise assessment and control n Municipalities will establish by-laws on noise
Roadway Traffic nTnTnTnTraffic volume nOnOnOnOperating speed nVnVnVnVehicle type and mix nRnRnRnRoad grade nPnPnPnPavement type n Distance from roadway to receiver n Obstacles between roadway and receiver n Elevation of roadway and receiver
Railway Traffic n Volume of trains n Operating speed n Number of engines n Length of train n Rail grade n Rail condition and maintenance n Freight vs passenger nDnDnDnDistance from railway to receiver nOnOnOnObstacles between railway and receiver nEnEnEnElevation of railway and receiver nCnCnCnCrossing protection and whistles
Air Traffic n Number of runways n Runway orientation n Number of planes n Scheduling and hours of operation n Type of aircraft n Distance from runway to receiver n Restrictions on power for takeoff n Restrictions on landing paths, heights of approach
Industry Noise n Type of industry and machinery n Hours of operation n Inside vs outside noise production n Heavy vehicle transportation needs n Distance from noise source to receiver nOnOnOnObstacles and barriers between source and receiver nEnEnEnElevation of source and receiver
Obj 7.07: Maximum Noise Levels n MOEE Ontario is responsible for guidelines and noise requirements n MOEE has software (STAMSON) capable of predicting noise levels from road & rail traffic n estimated noise levels are then compared to the maximums set by MOEE MOEE
nfnfnfnfor a Single Family Home nOnOnOnOutdoor nnnnnnnnoise limit is 55dBA for an “outdoor living area” 56m2, centred 3m from the back of the house (other sizes for other housing types) Obj 7.07: EXAMPLE ntntntnthis means that the maximum tolerable noise in a backyard is 55dBA (conversational speech) nwnwnwnwhen these limits cannot be met due to occasional air or rail traffic, a “Noise Warning Clause” is registered on the title of property to warn prospective buyers, as with easements
ninininindoor nnnnnnnnoise limits are much lower ntntntnthey depend on the room type and the time of day nnnnnnnnoise levels in a bedroom between 11 pm and 7 am must not exceed 40dBA (library)
Apart from zoning by-laws that can restrict what activities can be carried out on particular parcels of land and at what times of the year, week or day, what strategies can be used to abate the effects of noise? Obj 7.08: Noise Control Reduce Noise Level at its Source nanananan ongoing objective of vehicle and machinery manufacturers ninininisolation of machinery using acoustical enclosures and absorbent mounts nrnrnrnregular and thorough maintenance Increase Source-to-Recipient Distance nhnhnhnhigh demand for transporation and accessiblity n“n“n“n“space economics” in modern urban areas makes this a non-viable approach after the fact nSnSnSnSite Planning can address this
Protect Recipient nenenenear protection such as ear plugs or ear muffs nononononly an option in certain working environments ncncncncannot apply this approach to everyone (analogous to fitting everyone with breathing apparati or “bubble suits”) Intercept Noise nSnSnSnSite Planning Techniques nnnnnnnnoise barriers nsnsnsnspecial building components and materials
Obj 7.09: Site Planning Techniques neneneneasiest and most cost-effective way to abate noise is during development when site plans are being produced nFnFnFnFigure 6 in Course Notes shows a site plan for an office building, adjacent to a noise source (road or rail) several simple noise abatement techniques used: parking lots in front (noise insensitive) use topography hills, berms, landscaping vegetation coniferous trees, hedges, bushes use building itself to block noise n“n“n“n“sacrificial townhouse units are placed next to expressways or railways to “insulate” the rest of the subdivision from the noise ntntntntownhouse wall facing noise source is constructed as a noise barrier