Status Report #5 Automatic Child Safety Gate: Corry Winslow Roger Battles Philip So Description: A telescoping gate with sensor technology through the interface of weight and IR sensors through a microcontroller
Overall Need Current Design: Many design flaws compromise safety Overall user friendliness No anti-climbing mechanism 3 Primary Milestones 1.Sensor Testing: Weight & IR08/24/ Gate Construction: Cutting09/24/ Microcontroller interfacing 11/01/2008 with sensors and gate hardware
Completed Tasks Invention Disclosure Web Site Motor specs. Chose load cell strip Slide Rails
Projected Specifications IR Sensors: 2 ft. sensitivity Load Cell: 10 lb. sensitivity Safety Door Sensors: Low: Closes door High: Keeps door open Will be high as long as it senses object in door way Motor Driver: 2-Directional H-Bridge Motors: Worm-gear motors
Ongoing Tasks Program Microcontroller & Troubleshooting Interface all software and hardware Choose motor specs. Final gate build
Week Outlook Start interfacing sensors with microcontroller Finish cutting hardware into desired dimensions Complete gate prototype First face-to-face meeting with Business Team Complete invention disclosure Continue website design
Upcoming Tasks Start interfacing sensors with microcontroller Troubleshoot Sensor Positioning Talk to Paul again Buy materials to construct gate Buy motors Cut hardware ▫Test mobility of all hardware components manually
Current Schedule 100% 35% 90% Color-coded in terms of Importance: Least Moderate Most
Block Diagram 100% 85% 100% 15% 100% 85% 5%100% 15%