Dongkee LEE 1 BorderGuard: Detecting Cold Potatoes from Peers Nick Feamster, et al.
Dongkee LEE Hot/Cold Potatoes. BoarderGuard. Results.
Dongkee LEE Hot potato routing Peering contracts typically require the peer to provide consistent routes at all interconnection points. AS B can direct traffic through peering point 3.
Dongkee LEE What’s the best route? BGP decision process. 1.Highest local preference. 2.Lowest AS path length. 3.Lowest origin type. 4.Lowest MED (with same next-hop AS). 5.eBGP-learned over iBGP-learned. 6.Lowest intradomain path cost to egress point. 7.Lowest router ID of BGP speaker.
Dongkee LEE Using eBGP Feeds A network has m peer ASes, p = 1 … m and n p eBGP sessions with peer p. r p,u – route for the prefix d determined by update message on session u, where u in [ 1, n p ]
Dongkee LEE Using eBGP Feeds Upon receiving an update messages on session u, Compare λ(r p,u ) to λ(r p,v ) for v in [1, n p ], where λ() is a route ranking function.
Dongkee LEE Using iBGP Feeds Routers(p) - set of n p routers in the AS that peer with p. For each border router i, Import policy I i is applied to r p,i Select the best route b i = I i (r p,i ) for a destination. Distributes the route b i to other routers in the AS via iBGP. Limitations,
Dongkee LEE Using iBGP Feeds - Limitations Import policy can make consistent routes appear inconsistent. Inability to distinguish inconsistent routes from a missing route. λ(r p, 1 )= λ(r p, 2 ) I i (r p, 1 )is not I i (r p, 2 ) b1 = I i (r q,1 )
Dongkee LEE Using iBGP Feeds Upon receiving an update messages on session u, for each border router i, i in [1, k] : for each router j in Routers( peer(b i )) : compare λ(b j ) to λ(I j ( I -1 i (b i ) )) λ(r p, u )= λ(r p, v ) λ (I -1 u (b i )) = λ(r p, v ) λ (I j (I -1 u (b i ))) = λ (I i (r p, v ))
Dongkee LEE AT&T’s commercial IP backbone. AnalyzeeBGP from one of AT&T’s peers. iBGP from the border routers in AT&T’s net. Assumes that AT&T’s import policies and peering sessions did not change during this period.
Dongkee LEE How bad routes can come … How bad routes can come from good peers ?
Dongkee LEE The END