Homophones vs. Homonyms By: Mrs. Brinson
There’s no competition – both words mean “virtually” the same thing. Homophone – (phone: as in to hear) relates to words that sound alike, but have different meanings. Homonym – (nym: as in the same) relates to words that are spelled the same with different meanings. It all boils down to the words SOUND the same, BUT have DIFFERENT meanings.
Examples: 1.ad/add 2.feet/feat 3.fair/fair/fare 4.pedal/petal 5.soar/sore 6.bark/bark 7.sight/site 8.threw/through 9.idle/idol 10.hair/hare 11 waist/waste 12. root/route 13. weak/week 14. whole/hole 15. hour/our 16. your/you’re 17. thyme/time 18. would/wood 20. heard/herd 21. no/know 22. hall/haul
Which homophone correctly fits each sentence? 1.She decided to (add, ad) him to her group even though he was new to the game. 2.We were told he had a (weak, week) arm after the accident occurred. 3.(You’re, Your) not a good friend after exposing my secret the way you did. 4.Mom asked if I would help dad (haul, hall) the wood down the hill. 5.We wanted to go (threw, through) the gate, but had to go around to the door entrance like everyone else. 6.My brother could not ride the bus home because he didn’t have enough (fair, fare) for the full route home. 7.We had to (pedal, petal) really fast on our bikes to get away from the dogs.
Verb Tenses They tell when an action takes place Present Tense – happens regularly OR on a continuous basis. {uses base form of the board verb} a.My family lives in Tallahassee, Florida. b.Please raise your hands to speak. c.I rarely listen to the radio. Past Tense – happened in the past {uses “ed”} a.My family lived in Tallahassee, Florida b.He raised his hand before speaking. c.I rarely listened to the radio last year. Future Tense – will happen in the future. {always uses will or shall- ’shall’ can only be used with I} a.My family will live in Florida next year. b.He said he will raise his hand before speaking c.I shall listen to the radio this year.
Present Progressive – happening right now (uses helping verbs am, is, are with verbs ending in ‘ing’) a.My family is living in Florida for a year. b.We are raising our hands during this game. c.I am listening to the radio on my way to work. Past Progressive – happened for an extensive time in the past (uses helping verbs was & were with verbs ending in ‘ing’) a.My family was living in Florida most of my adult life. b.We were raising our hands for the game we played yesterday. c.I was listening to the radio yesterday. Future Progressive – will be happening for an extended time in the future (uses helping verbs will be with verbs ending in ‘ing’) a.My family will be living in Florida for a year. b.We will be raising our hands during the game. c.I will be listening to the radio in the morning.
Review 1.The 7 th grade team at B.E.S.T. will be the best! 2.All of my friends are wearing denim jackets to the concert. 3.Most men don’t like to wear pink. 4.Please bake twenty pies for the bake sale on Saturday. 5.I will never jump in shallow water, as it’s too dangerous. 6.Since we lost the race, most of the team were crying because it meant they didn’t make it to finals.