1 Aircraft Accident Investigation The Federal Aviation Administration Presented By: Gary D. Romero
2 What is an Aircraft Accident? An aircraft accident is an occurrence that results in serious personal injury or death, or substantial damage to the aircraft or other property
3 The ATS Role What is the ATS role in aircraft accident investigation? –To investigate air traffic involvement in the accident –To provide support to other organizations investigating the accident
4 The Air Traffic Investigation The Investigator-In-Charge (IIC) The Collection of Data Air Traffic Involvement Support to Other Organizations Other Elements The Final Report
5 The Investigator-In-Charge (IIC) IIC Responsibilities –Supervise and coordinate the investigation Organize data collection Conduct personnel interviews –Relieve facility workload Coordinate with outside entities (NTSB, media) Oversee investigation
6 IIC (cont.) –Support aircraft investigation Provide air traffic data Act as liaison with the air traffic facility –Assess air traffic involvement Review events leading to accident Provide feedback to headquarters/facility Make recommendations for changes
7 Data Collection Voice recordings Transcripts Controller statements Flight progress strips Facility procedures Letters of agreement Letters to airmen Airport/airspace charts Facility training Position logs Equipment Recorded radar data Weather data Air traffic services Aircraft procedures (approaches, etc.)
8 Air Traffic Involvement Were facility procedures followed? Was the aircraft cleared in accordance with the published flight procedures? Were weather limitations considered? Was controller training adequate? Were appropriate services provided?
9 Air Traffic Involvement (cont.) It is critical to assess the circumstances surrounding aircraft accidents to determine air traffic involvement.
10 Support to Other Organizations The IIC acts as a liaison to provide aircraft investigators with air traffic data to support the investigation effort. The IIC cooperates with outside organizations.
11 Other Elements The IIC is cognizant of the emotional impact of the accident on the involved operational personnel –Conducts interviews –May refer involved persons to employee assistance
12 The Final Report The findings of the final report are supported by all data collected during the investigation. The data is filed with the report and retained in an accident package. Usual retention of accident packages is 5 years.