to Second Grade Curriculum Night
Second Grade Teachers Kelly Buchwald Karen Heard Karen Jones Nicole Pettus
Running Smoothly Agendas- Sign and return daily Lunch- Prepay online for convenience or send in a labeled envelope Snack- Send a healthy snack (no chips, cookies, or juice) Transportation- Send any changes in writing! Students may ride their bus only (they cannot ride home with a friend) Absence- Send a note within 5 days of absence!
Homework Given to students on Friday Due the following Friday Spread homework out over several nights Parent help is encouraged Please remember to check and return folders!
Meeting Needs of Children… Flexible Grouping Levelled Readers Collaboration with Horizons, EIP, OT, and Speech teachers
Bear Necessities Meets everyday 8:30-9:00 Addresses individual needs of students Provides extra support Extends and enriches learned skills Are fluid and will change throughout the year
Language Arts: The FACE of a Reader F- Fluency A- Accuracy C- Comprehension E- Expanded Vocabulary DAILY 5 Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Work on Writing Word Work
How can you help at home?
Grammar Listening/Speaking Sentences Parts of Speech Capitalization and Punctuation Literature and Writing
Writing Students will be guided through the writing process while studying: Response to Literature, Narrative, Persuasive, and Informational Writing. Prewriting Drafting Revising Proofreading Publishing and Sharing
How can you help at home? Ask your child to make lists for the family (grocery, to do, wish lists) Write letters to friends and family members Write in a journal or diary
Word Study Research-based, problem solving approach Progression of development Relationship of letters and sounds, patterns found in words, and origins of words Word Study Test on Friday
GA Math Frameworks Computation Place Value Number Patterns Time and Money Data and Chance Measurement Geometry Fractions
What can you do to help at home? Practice basic facts for speed and accuracy (use flashcards) Count change at the end of the day Estimate the cost of meals at a restaurant Ask the time (using a face clock) at different times each day
Science Themes: Life Cycles Space Matter Heat Energy
Social Studies: Harcourt Brace Georgia History Georgia Regions Economics Government Historical Figures of Georgia
Health Themes All About Me Safety Food Groups Dental Health Germs Our Body
Thank you for Coming!!! Any Questions????