Welcome! Mrs. Bowers Gray Wolves
About Mrs. Bowers This is my eighth year teaching. I have a 3 year old daughter named Grace and three month old named Blake. I have a Rottweiler named Marlee. I have a Masters in Instructional Technology and Bachelors in Elementary Education.
Mrs. Bowers Language Arts and Social Studies
Social Studies Materials Book Folder Packet Notebook (Do Now, Vocabulary)
Social Studies Topics 1.U.S. Colonial Settlement 2.PA History 3.U.S. Government 4.U.S. Regions 5.Governments of the World 6.Economy 7.Industries
Social Studies Grading
Academic Enrichment Orchestra – Days 1 and 2 Band – Days 3 and 4 Chorus – Days 5 and 6
Academic Enrichment Band, Chorus, Orchestra (Days on previous slide) Homework Math Help Make-up work Read Library Computer Lab
Language Arts Materials Anthology (Keep in room) Folder Pencil Journal (Writing and English)
Language Arts - Reading 6 Units based on the Common Core Standards –Unit 1 Concepts Monitor/Clarify Main Idea Figurative Language Text Structure Compare and Contrast Media and Books
Language Arts Grading We will read novels! Sometimes students will choose what novel they want to read, but it will need to be at their lexile level.
Language Arts English/Writing English: types of sentences, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions Writing: personal narrative, persuasive essay, research paper, daily writing
Language Arts Grading Grading Assessments: 50% Quizzes: 25% (assignments graded on correctness) Classwork: 15% Homework: 10%
Missing Homework 3 “missing homework” = Lunch Detention
Late Assignments 10% off each day of earned grade After three days, the assignment will no longer be accepted.
Unprepared 3 “unprepared” = Warning Card
What if your child is sick? We do not collect homework for students unless they have been absent for 3 or more days. Please check the team page on CD Middle's web site to see what assignments they missed. You may come in to the building any day from 2:45 - 3:00 and go to your child's locker. Students are given one day for every day missed to make up assignments.
Contacting Me Phone Number: extension 74107
Homework The homework is available to view after 2:50 each day online. _______________________________________________ 1.Go to 2.Under “Select a School” choose Central Dauphin Middle School 3.Under “Teams” choose the Gray Wolves 4.Select “Homework” which is on the left-hand side of the page. 5.Select the correct date.
Online Grades You need to call the office to get a username and password!
Reward System RAMS Rule Coupons –Buy pencils/erasers –Use at our “auctions” in December and at the end of the year
Scheduling a Conference You may schedule an appointment with our team by contacting one of the team members or a guidance counselor.
Let’s have a great school year! Thank you for coming!