ICAO AVIATION SAFETY PROGRAMMES By Cay-R. Boquist Chief, Air Traffic Management Section
ICAO AVIATION SAFETY PROGRAMMES Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) Expansion of the ICAO Safety Oversight Audit Programme ATS Safety Management programmes Proficiency in the English language
GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN (GASP) ICAO to provide necessary leadership and to gain a commitment from States and the aviation industry as a whole in an effort to enhance aviation safety in order to: Achieve a significant decrease in accident rates, especially in Regions where these remain abnormally high
GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN (GASP) enhance the identification of all elements that can impair safety, such as shortcomings and deficiencies, lack of compliance with ICAO SARPs and recommend corrective actions Identify repetitive causes for accidents on a world-wide and a regional basis and recommend specific corrective actions
GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN (GASP) Enhance Contracting States or groups of States cooperation with ICAO in order to improve ICAO’s own capability to compile, assess and disseminate safety related information
GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN (GASP) ELEMENTS Carry out an annual review of causal factors for accidents Identify disparities in accident rates between Regions Update, on a yearly basis, a table of safety related tasks aimed at improving safety
GLOBAL AVIATION SAFETY PLAN (GASP) ELEMENTS (cont) Review and improve existing safety database systems Address shortcomings and deficiencies identified in the Air Navigation field Introduce improvements to safety identified by the USOAP Collaborate with States and industry to identify additional safety measures
CONTROLLED FLIGHT INTO TERRAIN (CFIT) Action plan for the development of amendments to the SARPs. ICAO should: Form a multi-disciplinary ANB Team Determine goals and objectives Publish ICAO press releases and use press contacts Publish CFIT articles in the ICAO Journal
CONTROLLED FLIGHT INTO TERRAIN (CFIT) Make presentations promoting CFIT prevention Circulate State letters to keep States and international organizations informed and to request appropriate information, comments and actions Develop proposals for amendments to SARPs
CONTROLLED FLIGHT INTO TERRAIN (CFIT) Determine related TWP and non-TWP Tasks with CFIT and take appropriate action Coordinate CFIT efforts with States, international organizations and air transport industry Participate in the Industry Task Force
CONTROLLED FLIGHT INTO TERRAIN (CFIT) Action plan for the development of amendments to the SARPs. States and international organizations should: Review national regulations, policies and procedures and implement necessary improvements in accordance with ICAO GPWS SARPs Review, develop and implement as applicable, operator policies, operational standards, procedures and training
CONTROLLED FLIGHT INTO TERRAIN (CFIT) Review policies and procedures for certification and surveillance of operators and implement improvements as necessary Review national airspace management plans, including approach and departure procedures, and implement improvements as necessary
CONTROLLED FLIGHT INTO TERRAIN (CFIT) Review national air traffic control facilities, services and procedures and implement improvements as necessary
INDUSTRY CFIT TASK FORCE Four teams Data and Dissemination Flight Training Procedures ATC Training and Procedures and Ground Equipment Aircraft Equipment
INDUSTRY CFIT TASK FORCE GOAL To develop a safety action plan for FSF and its industry members that will be effective in reducing approach and landing and collision-with-terrain accidents in civil aviation
INDUSTRY CFIT TASK FORCE Objectives To examine multiple cause factors involved in approach and landing/CFIT accidents To determine those factors whose elimination would have the greatest leverage for accident prevention
INDUSTRY CFIT TASK FORCE To determine near-term and long-term means of controlling or eliminating those factors To identify FSF and industry actions that can have the greatest and most timely effectiveness in reducing or eliminating approach and landing/CFIT accidents To prepare an action plan for FSF and industry to accomplish these actions
EXPANSION OF THE ICAO SAFETY OVERSIGHT PROGRAMME DGCA Conference on a Global Strategy for Safety Oversight Assembly Resolution A32-11 (1998)
PREPARATORY WORK Development of provisions for Annex 11 Development of guidance material Development of audit protocols Recruitment of auditors Development of training material for auditors Training of auditors
FRAMEWORK Description and specification of services Requirement for ATS Manual Requirement for licensing of controllers Requirements for equipment Requirements for training and certification Requirements for a safety management programme Requirements for levels of service
FRAMEWORK Requirements for a safety case Requirements for reporting of accidents and incidents
CRITICAL ELEMENTS Primary aviation legislation Specific operating regulations CAA structure and safety oversight functions Technical guidance Qualified personnel Licensing and certification Continued oversight obligations Resolution of safety issues
SAFETY ACHIEVEMENT Level of safety System safety assessment System safety assessment records Competency
SAFETY ASSURANCE Safety audits Safety performance monitoring Safety occurrences
SAFETY PROMOTION Lessons learnt Safety improvement
ICAO AUDITS Audit the auditor, or Audit the provider ?
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES New provisions in Annex 11 New provisions in the PANS-RAC Development of guidance material
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES Proposed Annex 11 provisions States shall implement systematic and appropriate ATS safety management programmes to ensure that safety is maintained in the provision of ATS within airspaces and at aerodromes.”
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES Annex 11 proposed provisions Recommendation: The acceptable level of safety and safety objectives applicable to the provision of ATS within airspaces and at aerodromes should be established by the State or States concerned. When applicable, safety levels and safety objectives should be established on the basis of regional air navigation agreement.
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES Annex 11 proposed provisions Standard: An ATS safety programme shall, inter alia: a) provide for regular monitoring and assessment of safety levels achieved; b) identify potential hazards and determine the need for remedial action; and c) ensure that remedial action necessary to maintain an acceptable level of safety is implemented.
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES Annex 11 proposed provisions Standard: Any significant safety-related change to the ATC system, including the implementation of a reduced separation minimum or a new procedure, shall only be effected after a safety assessment has demonstrated that an acceptable level of safety will be met and users have been consulted. When appropriate a post-implementation monitoring programme shall be established to verify that the defined level of safety is met.
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES - GENERAL Level of ATS and CNS Level of safety ATS capacity Harmonization (Regional agreements) Formal and systematic safety management programmes
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES - OBJECTIVES Ensure that the established level of safety is met Provide appropriate capacity Flexible use of airspace
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES - ACTIVITIES Monitor safety levels Review ATS units Safety assessments of new airspace organization or ATS procedures Establish need for safety enhancements Review ATS capacity Provide for flexible use of airspace Document
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES - MONITORING Collect safety related data Establish an incident reporting system Review safety-related reports Review reports on serviceability of facilities and systems
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES - SAFETY REVIEWS Regulatory issues Operational and technical issues Licensing and training issues
SAFETY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES - AIRSPACE RE-ORGANIZATION Safety assessments Factors affecting safety Safety enhancing measures Flexible use of airspace
Proficiency in the English language Assembly Resolution A32-16 ANC Task - Radiotelephony speech for international aviation Proficiency Requirements In Common English Study Group (PRICESG)