Keolis Transit Drivers Ergonomics Manual
Keolis Commitment-------------------------- 4 CONTENTS Keolis Commitment-------------------------- 4 Introduction----------------------------------- 5 Areas prone to risk--------------------------- 6 Adjusting the seat---------------------------- 7 Driving Tips---------------------------------- 13 Steering Techniques------------------------- 14 Secure and release Wheel chair------------ 16 At Home- ------------------------------------- 17 Take the break-------------------------------- 18 Seat Adjustments----------------------------- 19
Stretches and Exercises-----------------21-32 Standing Stretches------------------ 21 Hands and Wrists------------------- 23 Shoulders and Arms---------------- 26 Back and Neck---------------------- 30 Conclusion------------------------------------33-34 RECARO Seat adjustment -----------------36-38
Keolis Transit IS COMMITTED TO YOUR HEALTH AND SAFETY You can help us keep our commitment to providing you with a safe and healthy work environment. Please review the helpful information provided in this manual and begin adopting these safe practices in your daily routine. You’ll be glad you did!
INTRODUCTION We all have the desire to be safe but the knowledge to do so must be learned. Over the years, Ergonomics have become a useful tool in preventing workplace illness and accidents which usually result from continuous repetition of the same motions exacerbated by awkward postures. This manual provides an overview of the basic guidelines needed to ensure a safe and comfortable workstation. An ergonomically correct work area coupled with the appropriate work habits, can conceivably eliminate the risk of acquiring repetitive motion disorders associated with driving your vehicle.
Adjusting The Driver’s Seat Height of the seat for the driver. The knees of the driver should be lower than the hip joints. Your feet must have enough weights on them for stability and to be able to reach all floor pedals and controls.
DISTANCE Distance from the seat to the knees. Keep 2” to 4” inches of space between the front edge of the seat and the back of your knees. Move your seat forward enough to reach all foot pedals and to see ahead..
TILT The Tilt of your seat back. Adjust the seat back so you are sitting nearly completely vertically (upright). At most, you should be tilted back 10 degrees. The lumbar support should fit comfortably into the curve of your lower back. Your back should not be rounded, try to maintain the natural inward curve of your spine. Use the chair back for support. There should not be any pressure in your buttock area.
(If there is a separate section from the main seat.) FRONT SECTION OF SEAT (If there is a separate section from the main seat.) This section of the seat should be set to slope slightly downward; NEVER UPWARD! Again keeping the edge of the seat 2” to 4” away from the back of your knees.
BACK OF THE SEAT DO NOT “mold” your spine to fit the seat! Instead do the following: Adjust the built-in cushioning at middle and low back so that the seat is molded to fit the individual curves of your spine. If the built-in adjustments are not sufficient, you may have to add your own cushions (or folded towel or sweater, etc.)
NECK SUPPORT The neck support should reach the base of the skull (the large “bump” at the back of your head) without you having to move your head backwards.
TIPS TO FOLLOW WHEN DRIVING Do Not move your chin or head forward to see better. Instead, lean your whole trunk forward, tilting from the hip joint. Do Not slump down over the steering wheel . Note the posture of your back at any given time and keep it vertical. To reach controls in front, lean your whole trunk forward moving from the hips. Lift your arms up in front but do not let the shoulders or shoulder blades round forward.
STEERING WHEEL TECHNIQUES Your hands should be at the 9 and 3 position on the wheel. You will be most comfortable and have the best control of the bus with your hands in this position. Never hook your thumbs under the wheel. The two acceptable techniques that are: The push-pull method. – With your hands correctly placed on the wheel, you can use the push-pull method to steer the bus. One hand pulls and the other pushes the wheel, depending on the direction in which you are turning. Hand-over-Hand method – Lean forward at the hip joint and grasp the wheel at 1 o’clock with your right hand, palm down. Lean back and pull the wheel to 5 o’clock position. Lean forward and grasp the outside of the rim with your left hand at 1 o’clock. Lean back and pull to 5 o’clock. Repeat process until the bus is in the desired position.
PALMIMG THE STEEING WHEEL IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE!!! This type of steering can begin to cause shoulder injuries and pain. It can also be deemed to be a Preventable Injury when making the determination in a Worker Compensation Claim investigation. and the fare box stand alone.
SECURING AND RELEASING WHEELCHAIR STRAPS Try keeping your spine straight as you reach for the straps and other controls. Bend from the hips and knees instead of from the waist if possible.
AT HOME Avoid sitting for too long - if you have already been sitting all day driving. When you do sit, don’t slouch – sit up straight or use a recliner chair, tilted back.
TAKE THE BREAK When given the opportunity, take the break. Even getting up for a drink of water will give your body the stretch it needs to be comfortable. Consider the stretches in the “Stretches and Exercise” section of this manual to help relax your muscles and improve circulation.
Keolis Transit/ USSC Seats Fleet Vehicle Seats Seat Cushion Adjustment Backrest Tilt Pneumatic Lumbar support sides Pneumatic Lumbar support upper Pneumatic Lumbar support lower For and Aft slide
Keolis Transit/ USSC Seats Fleet Vehicle Seats Raise and Lower Seat Button pull out and push in Headrest Armrest Adjustment
Stretches and Exercises
Hands and Wrists Interlock your hands in front of you. Outstretch your hands together, until you feel a mild stretch. Hold 5-8 second.
Hand and Wrist Clench both fists and hold for 5 seconds. Spread your fingers as far as you can and hold for 5 seconds. Relax and repeat several times.
Wrists Hold your hands in front of you and bend your fingers at the knuckles. Gently rotate your wrists so that the fingertips form circles in the air. Repeat several times.
Shoulders and Arms Interlock your fingers behind your head. Slowly open your elbows outward while forcing your shoulder blades together until a stretch is felt. Hold 10 seconds.
Arms Stretch your left arm around your neck. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat with right arm.
Shoulders Tilt your head to your left shoulder and stretch your neck. Hold 10-15 seconds. Repeat with the right shoulder.
Shoulders Relax your arms at your side then raise your shoulders. Rotate them up and down in a circular motion. Repeat several times.
Back and Neck Lean forward to stretch your neck. Keep your head down and your neck relaxed. Hold 10 - 20 seconds.
Neck Turn your head slowly to the left for 5 seconds Turn your head slowly to the right for 5 seconds. Repeat several times.
Back Gently turn your torso at the waist. Stretch your elbow above your shoulder until you feel the stretch. Hold 8 - 10 seconds Repeat other side.
CONCLUSION This manual was devised and developed by the Safety and Training Department with documentation support from TSI, Memorial Hospital Occupational Health Services, RECARO USSC, RTC and Keolis staff. In order to minimize and/or prevent health hazards associated with the work place. Please incorporate the information provided in this manual in your daily routine at home and at work.
If after viewing these materials, and you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the Safety, Training, & Security Director for: Keolis Keolis Transit Cecil Fielder; Safety, Training, & Security Director 702 851-2602 Leyanne Lacaran; Subrogation and Claims Supervisor 702 851-2645
Receipt of Employee Ergonomics Manual I have received my copy of the Keolis Transit Drivers Ergonomics Manual. I have read and been trained in its use. I understand and will comply with the information it contains. Since the information in this manual is necessarily subject to change as situations warrant, it is understood that changes in this manual may supersede, revise, or eliminate one or more of the sections in this manual. These changes will be communicated to me by my supervisor or through official notices. I accept responsibility for keeping informed of these changes. Name [Please Print]_______________________________________________________ Signature__________________________________________________Date__________ Instructor _________________________________________________Date __________ Training Time ________________________
The RECARO Ergo M Seat