The Daily 5 A look at the program, and how it can work for you!
The Daily 5 is more than a management system or a curriculum framework - it is a structure that helps students develop the daily habits of reading, writing, and working independently that will lead to a lifetime of literacy independence.
What’s It All About? *First and Foremost! Getting your students to spend more time genuinely reading pieces that they are interested in!
5 Daily Components Include Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Work with Words Work on Writing
How Can I Find Time for That? The Daily 5 will free you up from time wasted trying to juggle the components of a basal program. The Daily 5 * gets students to take responsibility for their own learning. * allows them to choose their own reading materials. * does not bog students down with worksheets and boring skill drills that have no real meaning, and limits time spent on actual reading. * frees the teacher up to work with students when they need it, to help with what is needed.
Tell me more about each component…
Read to Self Students are taught to choose “Good Fit” books to read to themselves, purely for the practice of reading text. Since students choose the books for themselves, they are instantly more interested, and have a genuine desire to read the text.
Read to Someone Students read with a partner, often of their choice. Partners work together to choose a book that they are both interested in. Partner reading provides opportunities for students to practice strategies, improve fluency, check for understanding, and hear their own voice while sharing in the learning community.
Listen to Reading Students listen to recorded versions of books and literature. Hearing fluent and expressive reading of good literature expands students’ vocabulary and helps build their stamina to make them better readers.
Work With Words Students participate in general vocabulary building and spelling activities. Building vocabulary leads to greater fluency, which in turn increases comprehension. Becoming a more proficient speller leads to writing fluency, and the ability to get ideas down on paper.
Work on Writing Students participate in daily writing activities. This could be as simple as daily journal writing, or it can be one component of a larger writing process project. The best way to become a better writer, is to practice every day!
But, How Will I Meet State Standards? No matter your grade level, The Daily 5 will help your students to become more avid and proficient readers. They will improve their comprehension skills, be more fluent, and expand their vocabularies. They will become more proficient writers, able to express their thoughts on paper (or on screen). And you will be less stressed, calmer, and will actually enjoy your job and your life once again.
So, How Do I Get Started? The first step is to read through The Daily 5 book, and become familiar with the components. Start building your classroom library, because you will want a multitude of books for your students to choose from on a daily basis. Start collecting fun vocabulary and spelling activities appropriate for your students. Get some chart tablets, and start writing chartlets to guide your students through each facet of the program. View the “Tips and Tricks for Managing the Daily 5” powerpoint available on the media center webpage for teachers to see tips and tricks for launching the program. Collaborate with the media specialist and other teachers by attending biweekly workshops in the media center.
Most Importantly! The Three R’s… * Remember to focus on the end goal…. helping your students to become willing participants in your language arts program, and therefore become more proficient readers and writers. * Remember that adopting a new program will take patience and persistence. * Remember that we are behind you 100%, and are here to help you in any way that we can!
Evaluation Please take a moment to answer the following questions. Your feedback is much appreciated! Do you have a better idea of what the Daily 5 entails? yes no Are you inspired to begin exploring the Daily 5 further? yes no Do you feel that the Daily 5 would enhance your classroom reading instruction? definitely maybe not at all Do you have any suggestions on how to make the Daily 5 more appealing? Jot down any comments and send to the media specialist’s , or place it in her mailbox. Thank you!