Rob Shaw – Online Interviews: Hands-on practice and overview of interview technologies
Programme of events 10:00 – 10:30Arrival, registration and coffee 10:30 – 11:00Advantages/disadvantages of online research - Henrietta 11:00 – 11:30Online questionnaires- Clare Coffee 11:45 – 12:45Hands-on-workshop online questionnaires – Rob 12:45 – 1:45Lunch 2.00 – 2:30 Online Interviews- Henrietta 2:30 – 3:30 Hands-on-workshop online interviews - Rob 3:30 – 4:00 Tea and coffee break 4:00 – 4.15 Ethics and online research - Clare Any questions?
Structure 1.Hands-on synchronous interviews a. Controlled focus group interviews b. Open chat 2. Overview of interview technologies
Controlled focus group interviews Topic: Use of the internet in an aspect of everyday life Alternatively: A topic connected to your research Activity – Part 1: Individually or in pairs, design an introductory script and plan out some questions. Discuss how you will elicit responses of the depth you require and how you will build rapport / include less willing participants etc.
Controlled focus group interviews Activity – Part 2: Join your groups in the chat and take in in turns to act as interviewer and interviewee. The first interviewer is the participant with the highest number. The last is the one with the lowest. You have 5 minutes each.
Controlled focus group interviews Feedback Activity and feedback Open chat