INRW FALL 2015 W03(MW8),W05 (MW12), and W04(TR8) Adalia Reyna, Instructor
All class Power Points (including this one) can be downloaded at: Bookmark it!
Developmental Reading/Writing Program Reading 100 “College Ready” TSI reading score of 351+ AND writing score of E5+ or E4/MC 363 INRW 0304 Pass with a C or better Or TSI reading Writing 100 Pass with a C or better Pass with a C or better Or TSI E4/MC
P Grade Policy: Students who pass a STC approved TSI placement test during the term may receive a grade of "P" for that course. A grade of "P" will count as a successful completion of the course, but it will not be included in calculating the current semester GPA. In order to be awarded a grade of "P," students must provide the instructor with official test scores demonstrating that they have met the passing standard. Students also have the option of completing the course and receiving a letter grade, which will be included in calculating the current semester GPA. Students are encouraged to continue attending the class and complete the course in order to be better prepared for college-level courses.
Developmental Reading/Writing Program Reading 100 “College Ready” TSI reading score of 351+ AND writing score of E5+ or E4/MC 363 INRW 0304 Pass with a C or better Or TSI reading Writing 100 Pass with a C or better Pass with a C or better Or TSI E4/MC
What you will need: Required textbook A novel – (to be discussed and announced) A good dictionary red pen or crayon An account Computer/ Internet/ Printer Access A folder with brads and pockets (for novel journals) Hole puncher (optional) 1-2 blue books for in-class journals
Required Textbooks Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills, 6 th ed The Merriam Webster Dictionary
Journals All students will be required to keep a journal. Journal writing will accompany the reading of a novel. You will have a choice of 6 different novels. Journals are worth more points than most of the other work you will do. Make sure to keep up with them if you plan on passing the class. In addition, novels and journals will be used towards the end of the semester as a basis for a compare/contrast essay that is worth 10% of your total class grade. Instructions for journals will be given before the first set of entries are due.
Journals will be due every two weeks
TSI Opportunity If you have an “A” in the class, you will have the opportunity to take the TSI in November free of charge
1. Bring with you a printout of the class syllabus (available for download on 2. Post a comment on Padlet. Respond thoughtfully and completely. Due by our next class meeting
Padlet post: Assignment (due before your next class meeting): 1. Go to and click on your class name. You can also link to this page by going to and clicking on Padlet Links on the navigation bar Double click anywhere on the Padlet page to add your response. 3. Respond to the three questions at the top of the Padlet. Make sure to number your responses. Please remember that you are not sending a text! Spelling should be checked and sentences should be complete. NO LOL or smiley faces. Capitalize all I’s when referring to yourself. Remember that everyone can see your post. Make sure to include your name and section number (the one that includes the W) If this information is not included, you will not receive a grade.
Questions or concerns… Office location: B202G Phone number: Website: Padlet help page link on website
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Don’t let your past dictate who you are; instead let it be a lesson that strengthens the person you will become.