Welcome to Curriculum Night! Nance Elementary
What will we do tonight?
We will statements are introduced at the beginning of every lesson. This lets each student know what we are learning during that workshop. I can statements are also introduced at the beginning of the lesson. The “I can” statement lets the student know what they will be responsible for knowing or showing at the end of the lesson. What are these “We will” and “I Can” statements?
We have 3 different workshops in First Grade. Reading Workshop Writing Workshop Math Workshop Workshop is composed of three components: Opening Workshop Closing What is “Workshop”?
During opening, students are gathered as a whole class The teacher introduces the objective using the “We will” and “I can “ statements Students are taught content and skills they will practice during the workshop. What happens during Opening?
During workshop the students practice skills introduced during the mini-lesson either independently or with a partner. Examples: Reading: reading independently practicing a new reading strategy, writing in their Readers Response notebook Writing: practicing a new writing skill, drafting a story, editing a story, and/or publishing a story Math: practicing new concepts and skills using math games, manipulatives, partners, groups, and independent tasks What is Workshop?
The class comes back together as a whole Students share their understanding through journal entries, completed work, or purposeful partner talk Students ask questions and teacher makes clarifications Students demonstrate their “I can” Closing
The Workshop model is a thinking curriculum Students practice skills immediately increasing students success Increases teacher-student communication and student-student communication All workshop models encourage writing which increases student comprehension because students process knowledge on a deeper level How does the workshop effect student achieve ment?
Small Group instruction in every workshop Teacher – Student conferencing and goal setting Tuesday/Thursday tutoring for students requiring additional instruction How will your student receive support to ensure success?
Netbooks and Ipads to research, create, model thinking, and practice skills Class Edmodo pages for Guided Reading Group discussions, class polls, and quizzes How is Technology Integrated?
Important Dates Current Newsletter Homework – will be sent home on Friday and will be due the next Friday Spelling Words – will be sent home on Friday and tested the following Friday At-home Reading directions – students are expected to read nightly and complete reading log in their nightly folder Ways to help at home Classroom Webpage
District end of the year grade-level expectations: -Developmental Reading Level of 16 -Able to retell a story, make a connection and identify genre -District Core Sight Words and read and write with punctuation accuracy -Writing Level Range of a 4 to 6, with a goal of 6 -Mastery of mental addition and subtraction combinations up to 10 -Problem solving strategies – able to explain and model thinking in more than one way -Counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s So where will your 1 st Grader be at the end of the school year?
We will work diligently to ensure people with good character are T.eR.R.iF.iC.C.! T rustworthiness Think “true blue” R espect Think the Golden Rule R esponsible Think being responsible for a garden or finances F airness Think of dividing an orange into equal sections to share with family and friends C aring Think of a heart C itzenship Think good people do not use their hands or words to hurt themselves or others Learn more about Character Counts at charactercounts.org