Accessibility of Library Resources ________ Primary Research on End-User Behaviors [Implications and Opportunities] John Law VP Discovery Services January 20, 2009
Primary Research Observational research of student researchers 70+ sessions across 8 universities and 2 continents
More Primary Research Online focus groups with end-user researchers 9 groups, 80 participants (multiple demographics)
More Primary Research Focus group sessions with librarians 7 groups, 47 librarians
More Primary Research Surveys of end-user researchers 10,463 respondents across diverse demographics
Research Indicates Has better quality and credibility of content Web searchLibrary resources Is preferred for academic research and course assignments
The superior source for quality, credible content Preferred for academic research and course assignments Libraries Have an Edge
Different Behavior Even though the library is perceived to be better… The use of Google and other internet search engines continues to rise
Has an easier to use search interface Web search Library resources Why? Research Indicates…
The easiest place to start the research process Back to Our Research
Why? Simple Easy Fast
Existing Options for Accessing Library Content Library catalog eResources page Federated search Google/Google Scholar
Perspectives about the Library’s Roles Source: Housewright, R., & Schonfeld, R. (Aug2008). The importance of the role of the library as a gateway for locating information has fallen over time The library is increasingly disintermediated from the actual research process
Perspectives about the Library’s Roles Source: Housewright, R., & Schonfeld, R. (Aug2008). The library's role in academic research Library as place Purchaser Archive Gateway
Perspectives about the Library’s Roles Source: Housewright, R., & Schonfeld, R. (Aug2008). Librarians view gateway role as highly important Patrons view the library's gateway role as being in decline Patrons misunderstand library's role in providing access to electronic resources As a research starting point Decreasingly likely to start research in the library Increasingly likely to start with general resource like Google
Librarians Focus Group Sessions “People know we are losing ground to what's out there in terms of research. Libraries are trying to figure out ways to reach out to users. Rather than having students use Google, we need to make libraries the best, first choice to do research for anything.” Librarian “There is a need for the most simplest of interfaces to provide to the customer while simultaneously giving the customer a rich information store in a Google type environment.” Librarian “We are still not user-friendly enough. Our users … expectations are that when they type something in they will get results—they are used to Google. We need to provide information as well as Google can.” Librarian
Library online presence comparatively weak Users have difficulty identifying appropriate resources Lack of awareness of resources No clear and compelling starting place
Difficulty identifying appropriate resourcesGeneral lack of awareness of resources Why Not the Library First?
Compensatory Behavior Frustrated researchers turn to what they know Library databases, regardless of their purpose Google and other resources found on the Web
“I get confused and end up going in circles.” “Library sources are great but internet sources are the most convenient.” “If only there was a Google-like search…” Researcher Focus Groups (online chat-sessions)
Quantitative Online Surveys Indicate What users want in library search tools More than 7 of 10 researchers would prefer to use a search tool that provided: More credible search results than Google Better ways to narrow results for scholarly research Limit results to full-text resources available through their library Comprehensive representation of the full breadth of the library’s resources
Quantitative Online Surveys Also Indicate What users expect from any search tool Speed Interface Simplicity Highly relevant search results from full complement of disparate sources Seamless access to content (full text)
Not Simply Site Navigation Better navigation won't solve the problem With hundreds of available resources as potential starting places for research Navigation doesn't address Speed Relevance Disambiguating resources
"In an ideal world, the content of all the library's collections would be available through a single search box…all the traditional ILS content and the electronic resources " Breeding, M. (2007). Next-generation library catalogs. ALA Library Technology Reports, 43(4), The Dream Solution is Clear
“I will believe it when I see it!” librarian in a focus group
Simplified Access to Library Content More than a convenience, a requirement Critical to preserving library's role in research Google usage should serve as both warning and guide Drive changes that secure library role in academic research
Recommendations Information literacy Library marketing Access points in context Unified discovery service
Unified Discovery Service
Everything has been leading to this