Evaluation Workshop: Qualitative Evaluation Methods Peter Dowdell NOF-digitise Technical Advisory Service web: UKOLN is supported by:
Summary of methods Mailto: links Feedback Forms Polls / Voting Forms Focus Groups Other Approaches to Interactivity Peer Review
mailto: links Beware your address is public! Assumes browser / client interoperability You can set the subject field More likely to require human interaction
Feedback Forms Think carefully about the design of your form. How will you receive and collate the results? Will you require registration? Don’t forget to return your user to the site nicely!
Polls and Voting Forms Essentially straight-forward code - but: Detecting multiple entries? IP or Cookie? User-friendly back-end to update questions? Where will you store the results? “Rate this page” floating gadgets?
Focus groups How will you select a group? Will they work remotely or in your premises? How will they report back their experiences? How will you monitor their usage of your site?
Other interactivity Bulletin boards Annotation services Online chat - requires java / activeX Moderation issues? Legal Issues?
NOF-digi Peer Review We will be announcing more about this scheme soon.
Considerations Interactivity is a powerful way to generate quality feedback. Abililty to keep forms and voting polls up-to-date and fresh is crucial. Know about the security issues of any 3rd party scripts you use on your server.