December 13, 2011 Teacher and Leader Evaluation Systems Legal Defensibility 1.


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Presentation transcript:

December 13, 2011 Teacher and Leader Evaluation Systems Legal Defensibility 1

Webinar Logistics  Everyone is muted  Use the chat function to make a comment or ask a question  You may chat privately with individuals on your team  If you have problems, you may send William Bentgen a message via the chat function or an at



Who is participating today? Check all that apply a.Legal counsel for your organization b.Staff/leader at the SEA c.Staff/leader at the district level d.Teacher union member/representative e.SCEE team member f.Other 6



Welcome  Janice Poda, CCSSO  Initiative Director Education Workforce 9

Educators in Residence  Mary-Dean Barringer  Holly Boffy  Terry Janicki 10

Moderator  Adam Ezring  Senior Advocacy Associate, Member Services and Outreach  Council of Chief State School Officers 11

Purposes  Follow-up from the Topical Meeting  Address SCEE member questions on:  Legal defensibility

Objectives  To introduce the terminology and major technical issues related to using student achievement and growth as measures of educator effectiveness.  To help SCEE members to know what questions to ask of their student assessment staff, advisors, and contractors. 13

 CCSSO is not offering legal advice.  This presentation should not be considered as advocacy for any specific state legislation or action.  No state should rely on the opinions expressed during this webinar and the follow-up communications. 14

Presenters  Roger Breed Commissioner of Education, Nebraska Department of Education  Robin Gelinas EducationCounsel Senior Policy Advisor 15

Presenters  Brad Jupp US Department of Education Senior Program Advisor for Teacher Quality Initiatives  Reginal J. Leichty Partner, EducationCounsel 16 ROBIN GELINAS

Framing the Issues  Roger Breed Commissioner of Education, Nebraska Department of Education 17

Discussion 18 Brad Jupp US Department of Education Senior Program Advisor for Teacher Quality Initiatives Roger Breed Commissioner of Education, Nebraska Department of Education Reginal J. Leichty Partner, EducationCounsel Robin Gelinas EducationCounsel Senior Policy Advisor

Wrap-up  Adam Ezring  Senior Advocacy Associate, Member Services and Outreach, CCSSO 19

Online Discussion following Nov 1 and Dec 13 Webinars  Collaboration site discussion group opportunity for you to ask additional questions of our experts over a three-hour period.  Monday, December 19th from 2:00 to 5:00 EST.  Take part via SCEE Overall Discussion Group 20

Evaluation Discussion Group  Join the Evaluation Discussion Group  evaluation evaluation  On the Collaboration Site Home Page select Evaluation on the opening graphic or select Evaluation under Discussion on the top navigationHome Page  If you are not already a member, request an invitation 21

Upcoming Webinars  January 10, 2012, from 2:00-3:00 EST, with a 30 minute chat from 3:00-3:30 pm EST  Throughout 2012, SCEE webinars will be held the second Tuesday of each month, from 2:00-3:00 or 3:30 p.m. EDT 22

30 Minute Q&A  Participants respond to questions regarding the framework tool—we’ll pose three questions  Participants ask questions of the experts  We will post the Q&A on the webinars page at the conclusion of this event 23

Using the Chat  Find the Chat in the bottom right side of your screen.  To make the Chat appear larger on your screen, click on the triangle next to the Participants list to minimize it.  Questions and comments sent to All Participants are visible to everyone.  To offer an anonymous question or comment privately, click on Circe Stumbo’s name in the list of Chat recipients or her at  For technical assistance find William Bentgen in the Chat box or him at 24

Thank you 25